PDS Screen name(s): rogaine3030
Other Screen name(s): Vitalis
Real Name: Tim Mitchell
Nicknames: "Rogaine"
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birthday: July 2nd, 1985
Country, State/Province:USA, Georgia
Likes: Import Cars, any kind of alcohol
Dislikes: Lazy people, work
Favorite color: Red/Black
Favorite console(s): PS2, N64
Favorite game(s): Halo, SOCOM: US Navy SEALs
Genres of music you listen to: Rock, Alternative, Classic Rock
Favorite band(s): U2, Bowling for Soup, Marvelous 3, Butch Walker
Favorite song(s): Grant Park (Marv. 3)
Favorite author(s): Tom Clancy
Favorite Book(s): Patriot Games
Favorite Movie(s): The Boondock Saints, Super Troopers