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PDS Screen name(s): stabile007
Other Screen name(s): Im too lazy for any other ones
Real Name: Paul
Nicknames: Boomer
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birthday: May 2nd
Country, State/Province: Pennsylvania
Likes: Sex, girls, computers, football
Dislikes: Baseball, Cleaning, Mowing lawn, stupid people
Favorite color: Navy Blue
Favorite console(s): GC, PC, PS2, GBA
Favorite game(s): PD, FS2k2
Genres of music you listen to: Classical and movie soundtracks (sci-fi mainly)
Favorite band(s): none but I liek John Williams and Han Zimmers works
Favorite song(s): Walk this way (AC/DC), Cotton Eye Joe
Favorite author(s): CL, Tom Clancy, Micheal Crichton and a whole bunch of others
Favorite Book(s): Wizards First Rule and any of tom clancy's
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars Return of the Jedi or New hope haven't decided yet
Your message to everyone who reads this: First off you all better do a better job of remembering who I am, I hate being the forgotten PDSer who's been here longer then some other people (cough Icewall). Oh yeah other info about me: I am proud to say I work at AstraZeneca now as a computer CAD operator and we are the second largest pharm. company in the world right under merck who we are trying to edge out over for first place :-p YAY US....ok that is all...

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