PDS Screen name(s): satan is my motor
Other Screen name(s): taco rawk, =the jesus=
Real Name: Daniel
Nicknames: Mouton
Gender: Yes please! O_o male..
Age: 18
Birthday: 11/25/85
Country, State/Province: Austin, Texas. JEWSA.
Likes: live acoustic music, willie nelson, music, people, stuff, things, jesus, satan, driving really really fast, movies, i lub movies.
Dislikes: eh, when people are negative for no reason. anything that isn't about peace and love...
Favorite color: blue, green, brown.
Favorite console(s): none
Favorite game(s): conkers bad fur day, goldeneye, ssb, mario kart, nfl2k3
Genres of music you listen to: well i don't listen to metal, not very much radio type music, other then that i pretty much have a little of it in my collection...
Favorite band(s): Wilco, Beatles, Outkast, The Smiths.
Favorite song(s): ANY wilco song, ANY beatles song. Belle and Sebastian - I'm Waking Up To Us, Flaming Lips - any song off of Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, NWA - Boyz-n-the Hood, Tom Petty - Mary Jane's Last Dance.
Favorite author(s): Nick Hornby.
Favorite Book(s): About A Boy, High Fidelity.
Favorite Movie(s): 99% of movies made by: Jackie Chan, Jim Carrey, John Cusack, Johnny Depp. The Wedding Singer, gah.. millions of movies.. Big Lebowski, errrrrrm Zoolander, what else what else who knows i love pretty much any movie. :-\
Your message to everyone who reads this: the music i enjoy is awesome, you should love it too... but you don't.