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Me Relaxing
Here it is the update on me and my changes after walking through my fire. This update has been a long time in the making. I have taken some serious time to consider what I wanted to say this time out the gate. This one will be about where my life is at this point.
With Shawn & Kate
I seem to be at one of those cross roads and this update will reflect on some of the things I have done and notice over time. Most of that is how people act out. I have met some wonderful people that have changed my life and fleshed it out. I have also become a student of human nature. Hence the theme "Shades of Gray". I have noticed people from one end of the spectrum to the other. I have watched from the stand points of their skin, culture, and beliefs. So when I talk about seeing things from the blackest of blacks to the whitest of whites, I am referring to the nature of people. And my friends seek me out because of my observations. I’m usually watching when you think I’m distracted.
I found the world to be a beautiful place and I try to contribute as much as possible. I love to laugh and enoy life. I love the company of good natured people. It was the most incredible thing when I met some one that I considered evil and purposely out to hurt others. I guess it was my naiveté that had carried me so far.
Growing up in a racially segregated town, I have managed to get pass color when dealing with people. I always try to see the goodness in people and show it to others. I am amazed that this is still an issue today. And like any small town boy, I thought the big city (NYC) would be different. Man, was I ever wrong.
What I have noticed is that you have to even choose your shade when you go out. If you have ever noticed; you can blend in, stand out, or become Mr. Cellophane. As the song goes “walk right through me .” That song had a profound affect on me growing up. I knew I could do either, but it really changed when I had it done to me. My personality is one of brightness, and energy, and I attract my share of good people and then there are the energy vampires. They just want to live off of my light and energy. I have my moments of pits and with the strength of my moods I can affect a lot of people.
Then there is what I have coined my “Soap Dish” moments, when we all have to go to some place where everyone knows us and appreciate us. You walk away feeling validated, and we all need that from time to time. So here are some of thoes things, and people that have affectively shaded me.
Aruba w/friends
Me at Work
With Romanian Crew