2007: A text book by Alimorad Farshchian M.D. , titled
"The Principles of
Orthopedic Medicine" is in process; "click to
view illustrative excerpts
2006: The founder and the developer of the dietary
supplements product line "Genorthix" a subsidiary of the
Center for Regenerative Medicine and the inventor of "Genorthix TPS"
is currently based in Miami Beach. Farshchian is also happily married with 2 children.
2005: special attention was focused on research, specifically the
work of the late Thomas McPherson Brown; significant for
correlations between bacteria and connective tissue diseases.
Syndicated Web columnist and the editor for "From The Doctor's
Journal", is the Recipient of 2004 Senatorial Medal of
Freedom .
2003: Dr. Farshchian is
honored to be chosen as doctor of the year for 2003 by United States
Republican Congressional Committee's Physician Advisory Board .
2001: Dr. Alimorad Farshchian M.D. limits his practice to
Non-surgical Orthopedics and Sports Medicine.
2000: At the turn of the century Alimorad Farshchian MD started up the Center for
Regenerative Medicine. That year he treated a patients hip with
great success. Since then the injection has evolved to a combination of
4-5 different modalities called LaJRaN (Ligament and Joint
Regeneration and Neuvogeneration ). Today 6 years after
project LaJRaN was started he has performed more than 10000 cases .
1997: Private Practice.
1994: He continued his medical training at the Chestnut
Hill Hospital Family Med program in Philadelphia / University of Pennsylvania school of
1993: He pursued further education with an Internship at
the University of Tennessee College of Medicine.
1988: He
joined the research staff at State University of
N.Y. ( SUNY Down State ) and New York Research
1987: Dr. Alimorad Farshchian was conferred his Doctorate of
medicine with High Honors from Spartan Health
Sciences University school of Medicine .
To schedule an
interview with Dr. Alimorad Farshchian the media may contact
(305) 866 - 8384.