Let the Bread die on your tongue,
and the Wine deep resurrect it...
Holy Fire in transformation -
all the Sacred intersected;
Tingling flames of Mystery's Presence
touch the heart of your own Truth -
Come, surrender to the Calling -
this Indwelling breathes of you.
In the inhalation and exhalation
of Your sacred Name in prayer,
I experience deep what cannot be known,
and find Truths that cannot be shared.
Spirit-fire runs deep
along my ley-lines,
as magic is drawn upon me
...heart and soul...
inviting me to accept
this Sacred Calling:
so, surrendering up my ashes,
I let go.
Mystery calls:
"I am the Silence.
I am the Luminous Darkness.
I am the Heartbeat
that your heartbeat echoes;
I am the Prayer.
I am the Peregrination.
I am the Current
that your current follows."
Yeshua speaks:
"Upon your heart,
the Quest is drawn;
the Calling clearly written -
Empty your hands,
and feel the Power
that comes to you, unbidden."
Silence is
a liminal Veil
through which
and within which
the Sacred is experienced.
There's an ebb and flow
of Word and Silence -
a fluid escrow
of Dance and Balance -
such Change is inherent
within every breathing -
so, trust in the Current...
have faith in the Weaving.