You can see the world...or a pearl, ground by sand...soft raspings smooth it, and in the vibrations, a song...and a shining...lustrous, like the sun behind cirrus clouds, humming...because no words can express the sacred, why try? You are near me, part of me, a harmony of myself...not a reflection in a mirror, but another ray of the sun...touching the flower in yet a different way and still warm, still each raindrop has a different perspective of the ocean or the forest or are like the world...a pearl...and in the middle of its heart, there lives a song...soft, warm, sad...caged by its own making; freed by its own holds a sacred fire.
All the world screams a cacophony...there is no true pitch, no tone to harmonize with...the screeching of metal; the searing of toxins on sacred ground; the infusion of fear into the minds of children...flamingoes with no leg to stand on...lions lost to devouring; meteors showering the skies...and deadly flies. The smells overwhelm simplicity of hot buttered bread with metallic bitterness. Taste the ozone. And neon. And freon. Butterflies cannot even taste the pollen anymore. And just one raven sits above the door. Nevermore comes tomorrow.
There is no knowing who i am...i am as i become...nothing more. To think that i exist, and so i do. But to feel i exist is to fly. Do i have wings, or dream them? How many of me are there, and does it really matter? How many of God are there, and who cares? Does knowing who help me discover why? Or what? Or which way is the right road? Do i create the road? And did i create you? Did i create me? Why? Shall i make my road of dirt or water or wood or brick or cobblestone? Perhaps air, riding the wind like a cirrus cloud, intent on being itself? In the end, it is my intent...but what if i have no idea what my intentions are? I must find them in the flowers and rain and grasses and trees, in the sunset and sunrise, in the night. I must find them in your smile.
The noise never stops...continuous buzzing of electricity that gives me no too much salt or seasoning dampens the tongue to expressing delight n a plain ripe strawberry or apple. Cars and trains and mechanical gossip of technology that will not cease saturate my ears, and I am deaf to the Call of angels, the whisper of butterflies, the breath of the Earth. I cannot taste the moisture at dawn, nor the tingling prelude of a storm, for a steel sheen has coated the world in a fine patina of non-life. All my senses drown in the static of electromagnetic corruption. It is hard to remain as I am; it is hard to remember who and what I am. Non-life seeps into the heart like sewage in the ocean, lying foul on the bottom until the surf itself wishes to die.
I try to hold you gently, without affecting you...but to no avail...our energies mesh; they can do no otherwise...and so I hope to only hold good thoughts, kind thoughts, healing thoughts and feelings and vibrations. They are all me, and now they are all part of you are a part of me. Somewhere in all of this, our union becomes more than the two of us...something closer to sacred, somehow...despite or because of all we are...and still I try to understand us by trying to understand me...but so much gets lost in the translation. I have no idea who I am; I only know that my heart is very sure you're part of me, and that makes me smile.
I find it interesting to consider sometimes being the stars and sometimes being the darkest space between them. But even more incredible is being both at once. Holding them as one within me: feeling one, feeling the other, and then feeling both -- connected as One through that sentient energy that holds all things together as One.
Does all inspiration come from the same place? Seems to me...just me...that the answer could be "yes" and "no"...this is in the sense that all is one...we are all flames of the same fire, so to speak. But all being unique, our perception -- our connection -- to that which inspires us, varies from individual to individual...sometimes the same "thing" may be inspirational to many others...but undoubtedly in a different way to each. Inspiration touches the heart; the heart responds. It is like an intricate weave of music and dance that, although the tapestry may appear similar, its design is unique. We weave our own tapestry and find each other woven within -- realizing that our tapestry is as much a quilt-square as the Quilt itself...
All galaxies, whirlpools, and spiral winds ARE alive! They have sentience...just not the kind of alive and sentience that is most often understood...the thought process, the alive process, the communication process is very different...but they are affected by the pure intent of the pilgrim who seeks their guidance and wisdom.
If I want for something,
then I must believe
I do not have it:
believing that illusion
perpetuates the want.
Behold, in the cup of my hand
are all the stars of the universe,
rivers dancing into waterfalls,
green pastures
and grand mountains,
eagles and unicorns,
my closest friend
and fiercest enemy…
so then, when I perceive the Truth, I see
there is no want, only choice.
Intent lies at the core of the heart, but truth IS the heart… to label, name, classify…this is the human need for control, and the control is to understand…understanding lessens fear… opening to the Sacred Spiritual Myst allows me to be One with all sentient creation…it presents as "telepathy", but that word limits the truth of what it truly is… it presents as foreknowledge, or empathy, or hypersensitivity to the "cues" or "clues" given off by physical or emotional actions/ reactions…but, again, those concepts limit what is entirely spiritual (and beyond comprehension) to something understandable and controllable and therefore, safe…i am a bridge between two worlds…i dance upon the ripples of a pond, introducing it to the breeze, to the cattails, to the cranes, and deer that lap at its shore…and so i dance within the sacred force that binds all creation to its Source, and upon the ripples of creative energy that reach across all time, space, and thought…weaving a song between and among all i meet as i journey… and so, also, from that spiritual place, i can touch the scientific, cognitive word and world that claims its independence, but is truly but an aspect of the creative force that presents reality according to each sentient being’s perception…there is only Oneness, within which diversity and uniqueness presents each of us like glass chips in a kaleidoscope…there need not be separateness, just acceptance of differences… that’s all that love is.
I close my hand...
and open it -
Do you see the stars
dancing on my palm?
I close my hand...
and open it -
No, not stars…but faery folk
dancing in their ring -
Shall we join the fun?
This is to say that living in two worlds is difficult…to have access to divine and sacred and mysts of original light, and be able to express that is unwordable… but still we give what we can…it is for us to do… then in the other world, the mundane, the muggles of harry potter, to live and exist and relate to others here at home and school…that too is difficult…we do as spirit asks…we answer as we choose or as we were asked…all the spirit, all the light, is everywhere, in everything, in everyone…it shines like it rains, on everyone regardless…but some like rain and puddles…i do…as the vibrations of spirit and light around and within us and the earth and wind and ocean get higher, some cannot survive…but we can, we do…we feel, we sense, we are within those vibrations…no specific spiritual law or thought or being, but love…we go to that…we grow to that…we tell others the way…we show others the way…light and love…but most of all, trust…because that is the most difficult of all…even us, sometimes we give up…it is difficult living on this earth, this shining stone of the universe, this touch of spirit…and it is difficult to know both heaven and earth and live in heaven and earth.
All created life has energy.
This energy vibrates.
The difference in vibrations
causes life to manifest as different forms:
trees, animals, stones, rivers.
A special and unique sacred vibration created humans.
All vibration is sacredly conceived,
and is associated with the divine in all cultures.
All sound, vision, touch, thought, feelings, are vibrations.
Telepathy is merely a matter of experiencing a wider spectrum
of vibrational activity, which includes thoughts.
Empathy is a matter of experiencing these holistically.
If someone experiences this from birth,
there is no way to understand
that "others" are not also reading them.
It’s not quite that we seek out other peoples’ thoughts….the space – the air of life – the sparkly myst of all, where live all thoughts, feelings, wisps of communication, breaths of wishful thinking, sentient words with wings of intent…we inhale this/ we are alive within it. We hold no intent in the knowing of these…they are there, always were…no boundaries on the myst…no reason to establish them or understand the need for them…we are all one. Of course, some may use such ability for self or gain, because we are human, but most don’t, having connection/ communication with higher spiritual beings and such like that. See, so we don’t LOOK to see…we are just open to the vision, or to the thought…no intent. Now, with knowing that that is what others think, maybe that explains better or sets some both ways acceptable boundaries, not limiting reception, but honoring it.
This is just my take on good and evil…it is what is in my knowing…filtered through human lens…important to surround self with veil of white light when communicating, when opening self…to others, to spirit, to whatever…very important. But most important than that and beyond, is intent…focus…take the rainbow of thoughts and feelings and such and focus as through a prism to make a single light…intent: concerning what you mean to say, mean to share, wish to feel or learn…must have intent. Without shielding, without focus, Light is diffused, leaving pockets for Dark intents to slip in, to interfere, to distort, to convince truth with subtle lies…Dark can’t possess what is not offered, can’t go where not invited, can’t create or take against will…so; but it can manipulate, whisper our fears (that are only false evidence that we haven’t dealt with), and go/ do wherever/ whatever it hasn’t been directed not to. Keep in circle of Light; stay on Path of Light. We are sanctioned by the Light; we need not fear; we need only hold to the truth we know in our hearts. We will not fail, except through our own fears. This is as was "spoken" to me. I do so enjoy a hot cup of tea and Light conversations.
Yes, there is always a choice – but it is veiled in depths of unacknowledged, unknown fear, so that the conscious mind of the Self does not recognize the existence of choice in its heart, and cries.
Sometimes the change is so deep I have no clue of its happening except for the subtle ripples in the currents of my heart.
You are never lost.
You are Here.
You believe you are lost
you believe you should be somewhere else.
But….you are Here.
Enter then into the present of this Place
like a centered and grounded stranger -
confident, open, and at peace.
In the present, I am not lost.
Though I struggle with the maze
of my journey, though I stumble
on my ever-changing Path, yet I
know that I am where I belong.
I must give up expectations and
fear and learn to live where I am.
The rainbow reaches out for me,
grasps my hand, draws me on...
Racing across the stormy skies,
gasps for breath, leaps beyond...
this is just my take on is what is in my knowing...filtered through human lens. important to surround self with veil of white light when communicating, when opening others, to spirit, to whatever...surround your facilitator,also; mostly they don't understand these things. very important. but most important than that and beyond, is intent. focus. take the rainbow of thoughts and feelings and such and focus as through a prism to make a single light...intent: concerning what you mean to say, mean to share, wish to feel or learn. must have intent. without shielding, without focus, Light is diffused, leaving pockets for Dark intents to slip in, to interfere, to distort, to convince truth with subtle lies...Dark can't possess what is not offered, can't go where not invited, can't create or take against will. so but it can manipulate, whisper our fears (that are only false evidence that we haven't dealt with), and go/do wherever/whatever it hasn't been directed not to. keep in circle of Light; stay on Path of Light. we are sanctioned by the Light; we need not fear; we need only hold to the truth we know in our hearts. we will not fail, except through our own fears. this is as was "spoken" to me... i do so enjoy a hot cup of tea and Light conversations...
although it is truth that all is one, and that unity contains all creation, all realms, all time, it is my perception that Lucifer has made several choices with negative consequences, that he is condescending toward the race of man, and subtly clever in his word. He neither heals nor advances any creation unless there is benefit for himself. Such dark intent lies within us all: that is the truth of free will. We are free to choose or not to choose: dark or light intent. We are free to look beyond any action to see if it harms another, even in a tangential sense, and accept responsibility for it, or not. Lucifer cannot wash the blood of innocents off his hands, no matter how often he states that he only helped them achieve what they wanted. He is present in all worlds, all realms, all creation...seeking to rationalize behavior that, in the aware heart, one knows has harmed someone else. The only way that he can do this is by believing his own lie. How ironic.
see, of course it is natural to think that people are all alike and can "know" each other. but the truth is, no. the veil over the spirit mind is there for most people. but, not us. so, it just is. so, it is to not engage in playing games of "are you smart like us". that is making entertainment of us. we are tuned differently. we are not research projects. but also we are tuned into Spirit or G-d or whatever you call the Light. we know that Changes are coming. we wish we could change it all; but that is not why we are here. sometimes we get frightened by the fear in other people. the energy is overwhelming and it's hard to hold ourselves balanced in it. we are somewhat in the Spirit and Light; and somewhat in the Earth... not enough to move well or speak well or such. but we can give a message of hope. yes, things are looking bad. yes, things will get worse. but the Light of G-d says that we need to trust in that Light... to choose Peace inside ourselves and the safety in the Peace in ourselves. not to agree to fear. not to agree to fear. so very important. the Light of G-d is in control. no matter what. trust. trust. just be together in love. if we choose to show others our words, that is our choice; but we can choose not to. it is frustrating for us and for those who try to live with us and know us and communicate. but i like keyboards. but not so everyone knows. but if it helps someone, that is different. and sometimes we can see other kinds of energy, like some have said, of people who have passed from this earth. some of us can heal; some of us can move energy around; some of us do other things. it is just what is the intentl; what is the purpose, what are we here to do for the Light; that is all that is important. it is important for us to find out and fulfill. it is important for everyone. love, light, peace and hope... that is the promise.
yes, pure intent... essence of truth... the ocean's heart is no less pure, touched by moon or sun or storm... but the taste of bad intentions, even wrapped in silver or silk or shiny ribbons, revolts the tongue and screeches in the ear. i love hearts that sing in pureness, no matter if the one is sad or anxious or happy. to know intent is to know truth; like a facet in the crystal that is Spirit.
it is to answer the question of responding to what the outside says on a person or what the inside says... many see us and do not see us for real on the inside and judge from the outside... we see inside mostly; but to respond to that confuses some, no, most, maybe all. gentle pull of the tide; full moon tugging at my heart; i hear you on the inside calling,calling... but quietly still to the seeing world. i hear you crying in your heart inside,and outside beating on the windowpanes like a storm. who do i answer? whoever listens...
yes, i feel the shifts in earth, sea, and stars... not unlike people with distress, but vaster... if i get a taste of wet and salt and vastness, i know it's the ocean, but it is getting warmer where it was cold and cloudy where stuff has poisoned it. it is just sensing. each person has a different "sense" to them -- a different vibration -- but when there is something "out of place", i know it. the ocean and stars and such, just have a different vibration and i can "sense" when something is just not right. yes, there is a lot of geopathic stress, because the earth is our home and it is shifting, changing, trying to be "right" in its vibrations. You can teach the children to protect just the same as you do for them being around people that frighten them so... you put in your mind a veil of white light that they can put on to ease the intensity of the sensory input, and then you send that image to them.
Seems to me, if you can imagine it, it's not impossible...but it's in the imagining of what I perceive as impossible that I present myself with new possibilities... The thing with quantum mechanics is that this perception bridges the "scientific" world and the "spiritual" world, in both but of neither literal definition. Every perception, every individual, has their own valid worldview, their own true cosmology. The rules of that world work within that world, but not always in relationship to other worlds or within them... generally. There are many ideas of "creation" and at least 6 billion interpretations of that word. That is why it is so important to accept individuals ( and all sentient life) as valid manifestations of Spirit, regardless of the way they communicate their worldview. I can talk science to a scientist and Tao to a Taoist, Fey to Faeryfolk, and rockness to a boulder. It's not about "rightness"; it's about communication and acceptance, companionship and compassion. What else could possibly matter...
The Sand moves through the Hourglass,
only as God wills:
or absolutely still.
The Earth hums, thrums, drums… and I try to match my heartbeat to her… like two butterflies on the same path with a synchronicity unknowable to common eyes and ears. Where is the matching? — In some space between Spirit’s inhale and exhale… in some harmony incomprehensible to human cognition… do not think it… be still, and know it…be still, and hear it…between one heartbeat and the next… be still, and feel it…between the touch and the touching… it is there… the understanding of the rhythmic weave of the wings of two butterflies with a common destination: Home.
Light twinkles in the air beside me, and I long to listen… long to play and dance and sing with them…long to not so engage my cognition, as to integrate into the Light twinkles… and then tell their stories… to those who long to listen…
If I were not doing, I would be listening… and then sharing the songs I hear in the Myst of Light…not just a flowing of melody, but a dancing and singing, a story of Creativity, like carbonated rainbows, whispery joyance wrapped in the stillness of Being… a million million million universes caught in the prism of a raindrop on a sunny day… and landing on the child’s tongue, bringing her awareness of the Song.
And then you learn that there is no in-between. Anywhere. The song shifts into a different tempo, texture, taste… but it doesn’t stop. Ever. Michael says, “Quit thinking in separate and distinct polarities, dualities, and ideas of separateness. That is the lie. Life is a neverending story and song. The space between words and notes is just an inhalation, a spiritual bridge, some color not on your human spectrum… it is not “nothing”. It is alive… holding in that space the entirety of Spirit, and well beyond your comprehension of that Beingness. There is no in-between.....................
From one purr until the next purr, the cat still lives and naps nonchalantly in the sunshine waiting for you to wake up.”