The Puma's cry
is echoed by the Loon;
Coyote answers
beneath an auburn Moon;
Horned Owl's chanting
has wakened all her Clan;
The Earth is shifting:
The Dolphin shows her hand.
Rat Prophecy:
No matter if it kills us,
or makes us ill,
or even not-rat,
we are charged with returning to man
the damage he has done
to our Biosphere Earth.
So is our mission.
So says the Council.
So be it.
The compass is pointing North,
but North is no longer there...
the Snow Owl packed her luggage
and rides the Polar Bear;
by all accounts I'm hearing,
the Caravan's heading East --
as Wolf, with Reindeer, set first camp
where the Universe is creased.
Sitting on the lentil,
Raven ponders
the Change
of the Stars and Moon
beyond the Door.
How strange!