Family History
Welcome to family history. Kay's family has lived in Butler County for many generations - most entering the county in the first half of the 19th century. Among her surnames are DUTTER, DAVIS, VENSEL, MILLER, MUELLER, DAMBACHER (later DUMBAUGH), CLARK, MYERS, AND FENNEL. The Davises are certified to be a "first family of Butler County" i.e., here before 1810. The family tree can be found on the following website. Kay Dutter's Family Tree
Ray's father was of a line of ancestors that were residents of central New York State, but his mother was born in Iowa. Among the paternal surnames are HOFFMAN, RUSSELL, GOSELINE, CRAWFORD, BOOTH, PRESTON, and WESTFALL. Mom's family included RICHIE, ASKINS, and MARKMAN.
Descendents of Chester C. Richie
I'm working on getting the family trees on the web. In the meantime, if you are a possible cousin, E-mail me and I'll send you my ancestral information.
I'm a volunteer for the Butler County Historical Society and answer as best I can family history inquiries into the Society. We ask for a donation to the Society when we provide information to the inquirer. It's a good service and I use the facilities of the Courthouse, the Butler Area Library, and our Society holdings.
The Society can be reached at Butler County Historical Society
Another excellent Website for the county is at Butler County GenWeb".
Genealogical Services: I also do searches in adjacent counties in Western PA, if you need someone to search courthouse records or other local sources - similar to what I do in Butler County for the BC Historical Society. For out-of-county searches, I charge milage, copy charges, and $10/hr search time. Email:
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