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Zhaeten Systems ZSX-6 Astartes Sniper Rifle

A work of art as well as a weapon of war, the Astartes-series are custom-built to user specs. Nate has built his with a enhanced titanium hybrid barrel on a nano mass driver system that can propel a 20mm slug over 6000 meters.  Along with a Galon AX-k1 Enhanced Nova Scope, and a selection of four different bullet types, this is a deadly combo.


Zhaeten Systems PPX-28 Deux Pulse Pistol


Knite-4 Laser Welder

Useful for opening those hard to open cans. Not much else. It was probably someone's idea of a joke when it was added to the EVAD-series Assault Droid. Because it is not really defined as a weapon it was not corrupted when the EVAD's logic circuits shutdown.
