TSUBASA By Ara Catwing -------------------- Disclaimer: Well, it’s Aya x Nagi shonen-ai for 3 chapters, and yaoi in the 4th. So think of it as sap:sap:sap:lime I had to make up Nagi fighting, since he doesn’t much ^_^ C&C appreciated, flames will be answered by a chibi-Farfarello wielding an eggbeater. Oh, and I plead mild (understatement) OOC-ness ~.~;; ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ "Every man has the wings to fly, it’s reality that weighs him down..." ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Part I- Black Skies -------------------- Shivering, Nagi pulled the sheets over his bare shoulders. The blaring red numbers of his clock read 12:00, midnight. Schuldige had already come and gone, getting what he wanted. But still, Nagi couldn’t sleep. Not till he was sure about Farfarello. Maybe it was too late. He hoped it was too late. He heard footsteps outside his door. He pulled the blanket over his head, and prayed it was Crawford. *** "Yohhhjjii-kun!" Yohji cracked an eye open and listened to Omi pound on his door a few more minutes. Finally, he unlocked it and glared down at the younger boy. "What?” "Yohji-kun! You were supposed to help Aya open at the Koneko!" Yohji waved him off, "Alright! Alright! I’m getting ready!" he slammed the door, leaving Omi standing in the empty hallway. *** The falling water droplets caught rays of sunlight like miniature crystals. Aya slightly smirked. It was oddly nice with the flower shop empty. Yohji would show up soon, and the annoying hordes of girls would follow. As if on cue, the back door swung open and the chestnut-haired man sauntered in. "Ohayo, Aya!" "Ohayo." Yohji leaned over a list of orders as he tied on his apron. "I’ll get started on these," he said, completely used to Aya’s impassiveness, "It’ll probably be slow today, so I’m assuming you’ll be able to handle the front." [[Author's note: Yohji? Willing to work? hummm...]] *** Nagi narrowed his eyes. He had no idea where her was, but maybe that was a good thing. Maybe Schwarz wouldn’t find him. He shielded his eyes, this was more time in the sun then he was used to. Finally, something caught his eye. In a window across the street, he thought he saw a familiar red-head. “Weiss...” he growled. Aya turned and, by chance, glanced at the commuters outside. He froze. “Yohji,” he said, bearly audible. The tall man walked over to the window, “What is...” he stopped, his voice dropped, “The Schwarz kid!” He turned to Aya, “Think it’s an attack?” “Not if we get him first.” Aya focused his eyes into Yohji’s and silently motioned to the backdoor. Yohji nodded, Aya was straightforward enough, as usual. He completely understood the plan. Aya would distract Nagi, while it was up to Yohji to take him down. Casually, Yohji walked away from the window and snuck out, through the back door. Aya slowly counted to 10, giving Yohji some time, then he moved to the door and stepped into the quiet game of cat and mouse. It was obvious Nagi was aware of at least Aya’s presence. The boy’s piercing blue eyes never strayed off Aya’s face. The early morning pedestrians didn’t even notice the silent square-off, it was an assassin’s talent to blend in with a crowd, another art-form mastered by an angel of death. A flash of ice-blue ki energy flashed in Nagi’s eyes, and a small stone slashed across Aya’s cheek. Another cut formed on his arm. The telekinetic attack wasn’t noticeable, but for the deep, red trickle down Aya’s cheek. The black movement of a shadow stirred in the ally behind the boy. Aya saw it, but his expression showed no clue. Time for the game to end. A thin glimmer of metal shined, then swung out and caught Nagi around the neck, swiftly dragging him back. Only a soft sound was made as the back of Yohji’s fist struck the boy’s temple, knocking him unconscious. Darkness took him over, and the voices of uncaring passerby’s faded.