TSUBASA Part III- White Feathers ------------- Yohji crinkled his nose against the staunch stink of the docks. According to Birman's information, a whole load of weapons was changing hands tonight. That ment it was time for the white saints to stalk their prey. Just 3 unimportant targets, kill and get out. Ryokai. Easy job for Balinese and Siberian. But he was still uneasy. Obviously it wasn't Omi that worried him, cram school didn't exactly top the list of "Most Dangerous Places." But Aya and that kid, Nagi... There was just something about the situation that didn't feel quite right. There was a flash of light, Ken's signal. Time for action. A black truck pulled into view. A tall man stepped out of the cab and checked his watch. In a flash, Yohji recognized him as one of the targets. Out of the cornor of his eye he caught the swish of movement as Ken got into position. The moonlight glittered on bared bugnuks as Ken prepared to strike. [Author's note: This fic is why a non-anime watching friend of mine has declared Ken her favorite anime character... I've got no idea why...] Suddenly, a foghorn echoed through the air. Both assasins shrank back, the silence they thrived upon broken. Yohji reached down to his wrist band and pulled out a length of wire, it looked like he'd have to back Ken up after all. Shit, he needed a cigarette. What he wouldn't give to be sitting in a club somewhere, with some girl, instead of freezng on a dock behind a pile of crates. He heard the subtle click of a lip being loaded into a gun, and felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise. Had they been spotted? Hee shook his head. /Gotta keep it together, Balinese/ he reminded himself, using his codename to try and get more into the assasin "mood". He turned and deftly dissapeared back into the maze of crates and nets, a black angel with razor strands of gossamer steel. If he'd timed it right, he'd end up behind the target about the same time the shipment arrived. Somewhere, behind him, a crate fell. he sharply dodged right, he was being followed and had to leave that follower behind. He pulled the wire taunt as he could without the screeching noise that would reveal him. There was only the soft padding of footsteps and the slight lapping of water. After a few moments, the burly hitman came into view. Yohji yanked the wire taunt, the cold sound causing the man's head to turn. But before he could lift his gun, the strands of wire were upon him. He was bound with the steel, one taunt strand across the soft flesh of his neck. Yphji's feet landed, finally coming back to the ground after his leaping attack, and he jurked his hand forward, bring the strands of wire with it. Only a sharp intake of breath, and the man fell, his throat severed before he could even scream. Ken's strike wasn't as clean. Yohji heard the scream as bugnuks tore across a spinal cord, and the gargled end as he hit the neck. Messy. Yohji kicked his victim over, it wasn't one of the targets. That ment two more souls for WeiB to drag into hell. The rain fell. *** Nagi sobbed softly into Aya's shoulder, while the man carefully stroked his hair. Aya was confused, he hadn't been this close to anyone since his sister's accident. But even as his hands trembled with uncertainty, he found himself comforting the young boy. He clenched his teeth. What was he doing? This kid was one of the enemy. He *protected* Takatori. Why did Aya still feel like this? Why did he sympathize with another life torn by vengence and pain? Another killer. Another... Aya pulled back from Nagi, and the boy looked up at him, questioning, tears glittering in sorrow-filled eyes. Aya leaned closer to the boy, and their lips met, both reveling in the warmth of the other. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Author's Rant: Okay, here's what happened with this chapter. It originally ws just the Aya and Nagi stuff, with this poem at the beginning. I had the mission written in a different fic (that one never got finished...) But the poem kept getting on my nerves, so I just cut, pasted, and put in a bit about Yohji worrying about Aya and such, plus it kept this from being way too short... Anywhos! back to the story! ((Oh, and thanks to all who have reviwed it already, I love you guys! ~.^)) ----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------