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My Club

 This is my club's member.

Our "Piano-Solo Club" was established on July in 2000 by me,  so I'm a leader of the club.  My club consists of 6 juniors, 1 sophomore, 3 freshmen and 1 adviser Mr. Yamabe, is also my seminar's teacher.  Our club's motto is "Always smile, always lovely and always humorous".

This is our piano recital in Caritas200.

We hold a piano recital twice a year, July and November -- Shaonkai and Daigakusai, it means that let's enjoy music and thank for everyone.  Although we have mistakes sometimes, we can enjoy playing the musical instruments by ourselves.  The above pictures are my impressive pictures.  The picture to the left is that playing Hanauta sung by TOKIO with my best friend, Maki.(Please click Maki's homepage!!)  She is making progress in the piano, so she is my precious partner.  The picture to the right is that playing Japanese Enka sung by Kiyoshi Hikawa with my eternal partner, Mariko.  Do you think it's strange that we play Enka on the piano?  Remarkably, it' s wonderful harmony that play Enka on the piano!!  We also play the songs of Akiko Wada on the piano at Daigakusai at my university festival.  All of the audience were fascinated by our performance, after that, we (Mariko, Yoshie, Yuko and me) were crazy about a performance of Akiko Wada.  Is that true we are female students??  One of my nice friends, Yuko is very good at imitating Akiko Wada!!

This is my folk duo Surenkon.

By the way, I am partnered with Yuko in a copy duo of YUZU.  I play the piano, harmonica and tambourine, and Yuko plays the guitar, harp and kazoo.  Our duo's name is Surenkon, named by Yuko.  Renkon -- a lotus root has many hole, so we want to stuff holes with our music, smile and audience's heart, and it becomes a beautiful circle finally!  We always play with much feeling, our whole heart and an overlay of humor!!

This is our university festival in Caritas200, we sang "Humorous".

On December 13th in 2002, my circle promoted to the club!!!  It is my dream of many years for my circle to promote to the club, so I'm very happy.  If you are interested in my club, please join us!!  Increasing the member is my dream, now.  Although I retired from my club in November 10th, but my junior, Asami is waiting for you!!  Of course I genuinely desire your participation, too!

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