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       Basic Stuff

Alright here's the basic stuff, the boring part, the basic requirements.

1) You must be of Evil or Neutral Alignments. All Sects allow all evil and neutral alignments except for The Freelancers who except everyone but CE (see "Sects" page)

2) You CAN be in another guild with the character you mean to join this guild. Actually it's SUGGESTED because basicaly this is a undercover crime guild.

3) Paladins are NOT allowed.

4) When we get a Private Forum on the Dysotopia webpage you must ATTEMPT to post once a week.

5) Subclasses are NOT required. They are simply a role-play guide. Choosing a Sect IS required.

6) If you have problems with a fellow guild member/leader, wish to challenge them for their position, or know they have done something wrong report to ONLY Jase the Leader of the Clan and to NO ONE else even if your Sect leader says so.

7) If a Sect leader begins to talk inappropriately, not role-play period in-game, or some other wrong doing report him/her to Jase.

8) You are only accepted if you send an email to Jase with all the required facts and are put on the member list. Simply posting "I want to join" on the "Shadow Clan 2003" forum under Dysotopia Forums/Guild Forums doesn't cut it.

9) NO ONE MAY CHALLENGE JASE AS THE SHADOW CLAN LEADER! If you attempt to your first time will be a warning, your second another warning, and your third........... well EXILE from the Clan.

10) Don't send me stupid emails.

The Point: Basically we aren't just another evil guild out there. We ARE evil. We are the people who pp, do not obey laws, and generally organize crime. Our goal is to rule what we can, take what we need, and get the world to bow to us. Sect Leaders are only there to guide the Sect. The Clan Leader is only the first among equals. We are all equals. Our Goal you ask? Crime. Organized, profiting crime.