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  The History

This details the history of the Shadow Clan starting back in the Age of Darkness.


The Beginning

    The Shadow Clan was formed almost a thousand years ago by a man named Serrin Halimane. He was a great mage in his time. When he formed the Clan it was in the Age of Darkness when few knew enough about the evil Necromancer Hakio Malane. What was known was that he somehow had a eyes-and-ears all through the Realms but no one knew who they were. His eyes-and-ears were actually The Shadow Clan. Though evil and insane the Clan agreed to help him because of the reward. Soon a great war started between Malane and the Realms. It lasted 20 long years and ended in Hellfire's Gorge outside of Icewind Dale. Malane had ripped open a hole in the earth and summoned a demon of immense strength. He began to kill off the entire world. Halimane saw Malane as the real threat and had the Clan attack him. They lost hundreds vrs. Malane's army but eventually Halimane stabbed Malane in the chest thus ending his reign of terror. Though Halimane was killed the Clan was forever scarred. They reverted to evil; deeds and cared for nothing other than themselves.


    The Clan was slowly destroyed in the Nations of Amn, Waterdeep, Icewind Dale, and Baldur's Gate. Finally the remaining Clan decided to make their way to Dysotopia where few knew who they were and even fewer knew what they were there for. Quickly the assassinated those that knew of them and started to weave their evil pattern throughout Dysotopia.  They suddenly started appearing in councils and the high courts throughout Dysotopia. They scammed, stole, and thwarted the good. No one knew who they were or why they were there. Now they rule Dysotopia from the underneath destroying and corrupting it.