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 Creating a Table of Contents:                  

  In order to create a table of contents for a Web page. The first thing you must know is; there are two types of links in Any Table of Contents. the first one is a link that sends you to a place in the Same Web page, the second is a link that sends you to some other place outside your parent page(the one that has the link on). Now if you still not getting the picture, allow me to give you an example. Lets imagine you have just finished a Project of yours. and want to transform your Work in HTML, The first thing is to decide what type of links you will need to use in your Table of Contents, Should you use type one links, or should you use type two links? The answer for this one is pretty simple: If you want The Table of Contents In the same page, you use type one, Now if you want your Table of Contents to be on a separate page, You will need to link your pages in the normal way; Using Anchor links. Note that you also can link a whole paragraph to some place by simply watching where you put your </a> tag, if your put it before the paragraph you will only link the title but if you put it after the paragraph you will link the whole paragraph. Now Compile the following Example and you will understand what i mean.   


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