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   Lines, Superscripts and Text magic             

   Hello every one, Today i am going to write about making text affects and drawing lines. Sure in Front Page you will hit the Bold button and you have your text boldend  but do you know how its made? Being original is the way for you to become expert in something. Hey, dont get me wrong, if you will take any Web Design course they wont let you use Front Page, you will have to write every code by yourself. Enough of the chit chat and lets get to work.

Drawing a line: that one is the most simple, write <hr> in any place between <html> and </html> and its done, a straight beautifull line is there, you can have as many as you want. Just repeat the <hr> tag again in a new line.

Bold text: This one is also simple, write down <b> </b> between the desired text, and the web browser will dispaly it as Bold.   

Italic text: Insert <i> </i> between your text.

Superscript: Insert <sup> </sup> between your text, the text will appear slightly above the normal text.

You will need to practice thouse ones in a Real HTML document to Understand it. Compile the Example below to see the result.

Finally the <br> tag is used to make a break between paragraphs, think of it as an invesible line.

                                           Good luck in your learning.


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