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Linking your pages together, or to the Net    

  Hi there Web developers and soon to be, Linking your pages together and to the Net is probobly the most important step in any Web Design project. Once you are done from designing your pages, you will need to "sew" them together to come up with the whole picture. You cant afford to have broken links in your site that will not take users to where it promisses. or better worse it will not take them any where! for this you have to be extra CAREFULL. Its a good idea to have the site maped down on paper before you attempt to link it.

Now to start with the codes.

There are 3 basic types of linking text in your page.

1. A link to a Web page on your Web site.

2. A link to place on the world wide web (outside your web site).

and finally a link to e-mail someone, you can see that one on many sites. it can be something like Contact Us, or Contact Web Master etc.

The codes for this type of links is quite simple: You will need to use the Anchor Tag.

 " <a href="some web place"> paragraph</a>

some web place must be changed to fit your needs, say you want to link the word "HOME" to your Web page "home.htm", under your web directory

do the following: 

<a href="">HOME</a> 

To link the word "VISIT YAHOO"  to you must write the following:

<a href="">VISIT YAHOO </a>

Note that the URL ( must be complete with the "http://" otherwise your browser will assume its some where else. Also you must put the </a> at the end.

Lastly to link the WORD  "E-MAIL US"  to this Web address "" :

<a href="mailto: ">E-MAIL US </a>

Memorize these codes by heart because you gonna need them alot in your web design carier. 

Oh one last thing, check out the example below in your web browser, or download the entire web page to study it offline.


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