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 Creating a Graphical link in your web page      

   In order for you to create a graphical link you must make sure that the image you are using is below 20 Kb other wise you should consider slicing your image. It will take a long time Downloading an image above 20 Kb, without slicing it, the connection may time out. Refer to our table of downloading speed & connection types in our article "Graphics on the Web". 

 Use the code below in your Graphical links

<a href="lastpage.htm">
<img border="0" src="button.gif" width="65" height="38">

   Initially we use Anchor tags to link any thing on Web pages. But for linking images, you have to first specify the path of your image in the  src=" " location as shown in the example, "button.gif" is used. The source image can be on a place in the web or it can be somewhere in your web root directory, ex. src="" ,also it can be simply as src="images/logo.jpg"  where the images folder is near the Web page (by near the web page, i mean that they are both together in any directory.), then we have the border issue, its by default set to zero. But you can alter it at any time to have borders around your picture. The width & Hight are together are set by default to the original size of the picture, you also can manipulate this one to your liking.  

  Try the example below and exersize on displaying your own images instead of "buttonnext.gif" which is in our web root directory.  


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