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   Here you will get information about HTML and all the other web related programming. So check it out, and if you have time, tell us what you think.

HTML format and Guidelines: We start our document with the word <HTML> and in the bottom of the Web page we write the same HTML but this time with the...
How to Display Computer/Programming code: Displaying Computer Code in a Web page is quit simple. you basiclly will need to use the teletype tag before your...
Books for Web Design: This is a  great book for those who want to learn the basics of Web design. It contains techniques, Codes and how to use it for your purposes. This is a...
Creating a Graphical link in your Web page: In order for you to create a graphical link you must make sure that the image you are using is below 20 KB other wise you should consider...
Lines, Superscripts and text magic: Hello every one, Today i am going to write about making text affects and drawing lines. Sure in Front Page you will hit the Bold button and you have your...
Creating a Table of Contents: In order to create a table of contents for a Web page. The first thing you must know is; there are two types of links in Any...
How to send E-mails from your Web Page: I have heard about sending messages from a web based e-mail, like yahoo and hotmail. But sending e-mail from your own page is something...
Linking your Web Pages together, or to the Net:  Hi there Web developers and soon to be, Linking your pages together and to the Net is probobly the most important step in...
Manipulating your Text Position: This Document is about Manipulating your text position in your Web page. The idea behind this "Manipulating" thing, is to position the text...


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