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       The Complete Book- Buy Now

 This very easy to use and understand book using examples and samples together. It will walk you through step by step. The information in it is up to date and is not structured as text books. I have used lots of techniques to make it easy for you to understand. this way you wont feel bored reading it, this book contains:

  • The Easy Functions:
    1. The length Property 
    2. Methods of the string Object 
    3. Creating Search and Replace Tools 
    4. The replace() Function 
    5. The search() Function 
    6. The space() Function 
  • The Intermediate Functions: 
    1. The buildFace() Function 
    2. The randomFace() Function 
    3. The getRandom() Function 
  • The Advanced Functions: 
    1. The calculate() Function 
    2. The evaluateExp() Function 
    3. The saveExp() Function 
    4. The deleteExp() Function 
    5. The buildForm() Function 

I will teach you all these functions, and many other interesting topics about Java Script and after you read every thing in the book I guarantee that you will start making your own applications. Thats all that its gonna take from you 10 days and you are making waves in Java Scripts. You will need 2 hours each day.

                                                                                         Darrem Man.


Name:  Learn Java Script in 10 Days.
Price:  19.95 USD
Format:  Electronic Book
No.of pages:  62
Size:  2 Parts, 950 KB Each.
Extras:  CD  with all the examples in the book, 30 Sample codes

   Instant Download is granted once your order is verified. However if your book comes with a CD, allow 2 weeks for delivery.

                                  Buy Now.

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