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This is what you have been looking for!

At last you will find all the information about Web Design; Graphic Design, Java Scripts, HTML, ASP, DHTML and more knowledge than can you handle in one time. The number of articles is increasing every day. By March 2003 the number of tutorials will reach 50!

There are categories of Beginner, Intermediate, and advanced Web Designers, so that you can advance with your knowledge as your free time allows.

All what you are looking in for Web Design. We guarantee you that you will find all the answers for your Web Site.

There is also a section in Web Marketing

   It's true that some of these search engines still allow you to submit for free, but it may take forever to get your Web page listed. Most of these search engines are now dragging their feet when it comes to a free listing. And with hundreds of thousands of Web pages being submitted each and every day, you need a competitive edge in order to be noticed. Paying the $199.00 doesn't give you a premium listing. This is something you have to do on your own.

So how do you get your site in published and on top you ask? It takes special tools and hard work and that's what we have.

If you've asked yourself any one of the following questions, you should become a member:

  • How can I design my Web page?

  • How many Web pages are not enough is too much?

  • What’s the Best number of Web pages you will need in your personal or small business Web site?

  • How can you divide your Web pages into the right categories?

  • How can I connect my pages to a database?

  • How can I take the information of surfers and send it to my database?

  • What is Active Server Pages?

  • How can design My Own Web template?

  • How can i make surveys to rate surfers opinions?

  • Do I need to use a CGI directory?

  • Is it true that Java Script is used to trigger events?

  • How can I create a login page for my users to login to a private section?

  • How do I get people to click on my listing instead of my competitor's?

  • How do I optimize my HTML to be "robot friendly"?

  • When should I use META Tags and when should I not use them?

  • How do I choose the right keywords?

  • How many keywords are too many?

  • How many characters can or should my META Tags contain?

  • I heard having only a few keywords in my META Keywords Tag might be better than 100 keywords. Is that true? If so, why?

  • How do I choose the right Host Provider?

  • How do I effectively use free Web pages?

  • Should I try banner advertising?

  • What newsgroups should I be involved with?  

  • Should I use commas in my Keywords META Tag?

  • Is it safe to use trademarked terms in my META 

  • Tags?  


The answers for such questions and more are right here in our "members only" section.

Join us now for only 29.95 USD, we will love to have you with us.


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