Shadows of Magic

Chapter 1

By: Malika


Warnings: Extremly AU. Yaoi-ness, bad language,  torture, possible rape, and  weirdness.

General disclaimers apply. Ain't mine,  ain't going to be mine,  don't bother to sue 'cause ya' ain't going to get  anything worth while. 2*5, 3*4, and ideas for Heero?  

Summary:In the age of magic and darkness four  countries are formed in the blood of war. The four countries  unite in an unholy Alliance to prevent the uprising  Romefellar Foundation.  Over time the Alliance begins to falter with the  birth of a younger generation nobles, for one of these nobles has betrayed them and  formed the organization called Oz with the help of  the Romefellar Foundation. Now with a new power, this noble  seeks the destruction of the  Shadows, the most powerful of all the mages. What  if three of the five  Shadows were the remaining nobles? What if their  life was in the hands of  the two other Shadows, a loud thief and a silent  mercenary? The world's fate  depends on the success of these five Shadows. Will  they unite into an  unstoppable force or will the fall to the rubble of  the old world?  


The shagged figure rubbed his grimy palms  together in the darkness of the  shadow in which he waited. He snorted once cursing  the nights cold and  wrapped the patched cloak tighter around his slim  figure. The draft of the  night streamed in from the outer streets making the  alleys colder in their  dank puddles of pestilence. The figure brushed back  a bead of sweat from his  brow. 

The waiting was getting to him. Rubbing his  arms slightly he shifted  uncomfortable. His fingers twitched and ached for  action. A door slam  echoed through the narrow alley and the figure  stiffened with its sound. He  must not be found until he finished what he came  for. 

A grimy man covered in greasy stains shoved his  weight out the door and  sloshed dirty dishwater unto the dirt ground. The  man, presumably a cook,  sniffed and wiped the free forming snot from his  nose. The burly man shoved  his heavy weight back the through the door and the  light it offered faded. 

The figure in the shadows sighed with relief of  not being caught.  Smiling grimly the self named Shinigami crouched  down lower, it was almost  time to run. Rumor on the street was the two nobles  were in town. Knowing  the backstabbing nobles as well they did, he  wouldn't let the chance of  getting rid of at least one of them. Shinigami  smirked, not like anyone  outside the noble families would actually care if  one of the bastards was  dead. 

Another slam of a door, this one provided no  light. He cursed and palmed  his knives silent staking towards the alley  entrance. He peered around the  corner and cursed again. They were coming ahead of  schedule! He raised one  of the blades to the air and reflected back thanking  one of the others for  the warning. The door slammed once more in  recognition and then quiet. Ever  pressing quiet that surrounded and enfolded the  small figure. The quiet was  pressing in tightly with only a skittering of a  rodent to ease it. But there! 

He smirked at the comings of the nobles. They  thought they were being  clever by using horses instead on their fancy  carriages. Too bad they rarely  came out to see their land or else they would notice  that nobody had the  money for horses in this kingdom. Maybe in the  neighboring countries ruled  by the Chang and Winner familles, but not here in  the Krushenada homeland.  No, there was no money here to be spared.  Everything was pulled tight in  order to please their ruler. 

He snorted, ruler indeed. Shinigami wiped his  hands clear of sweat  before once more palming the knives. They were  growing closer. The  undernourished thief gripped his cross closer  sending a frutile prayer that  he might be able to get rid of the Krushenada  bastard. Even if his life was  in forfeit it would be worth the pain in order to  free the people. 

The cloaked figures came into view and to this  the Death smiled. It was  time to go to work.  


The horse snorted loudly. His rider hushed it  silently. His mount  ignored his prodding's and snorted again louder this  time. The rider's  companion wasn't so kind this time, snapping forward  with a whip to silence  the beast cruelly. 

"Why did you do that for!" hissed the first  rider. 

The second shook his head, "If you can't keep  your mount silent, I'll  keep it silent for you." 

The first was silent for a moment before perking  up, "Do you think we'll  see some action like his majesty said we would?" 

"You should not go looking for fights where you  don't belong. Remember  the plan and do not stray from it unless you wish  the majesty's displeasure  in your performance," snorted the second. 

He was silent after that. It was true his  majesty held this objective  with the highest regard, but what could a couple of  street mages do to  threaten his highness? It's not like they had any  true talents like the  nobles. The rider sighed. Best not to misjudge his  majesty. Better just to  follow orders and shut up. After all they were only  a decoy to distract the  one they called Shinigami and the one the called the  Talon. His majesty's  highest mages were positioned to take care of the  lower street thugs. It was  all part of his plan to make sure that no one would  be left to overthrow Oz. 

Shinigami smirked as the horses passed by the  alley that provided the  shadows in which he used to hide in. Drawling the  cloak closer once more, he  pounced. The first was no challenge. He squawked  as the blade entered  between two ribs and ripped sideways. The figure  crumpled bonelessly and  fell off his horse. The second wheeled around and  charged. Shinigami cursed  jumping out of the way. The thief and assassin  whirled around and gasped as  the figure ripped off his cloak. The blazing symbol  of Khrusendra etched its  way across the tunic. The guard smirked. 

"What's wrong, Shinigami? Surprised?" 

Shinigami stuttered with a cry of disbelief.  That meant he just killed a  guard and not a noble. He snorted in-justification  of the fact. 

Shinigami glanced his hooded face upwards his  violet orbs glowing  ominously, "You don't know what your getting  yourself into guard. Anyone who  sees me has a date with his maker." 

The guard chuckled, "No you, Shinigami, do not  know what you are getting  into." 

Violet eyes were full of confusion, "What?" 

"As of now the royal Mages are destroying your  little street urchins.  You should be glad that you were placed in a higher  category. His majesty  wants you alive," he snorted. 

Shinigami snarled, "You lie you murdering  bastard." 

"Now, now, why would I do a thing like that?"  smirked the guard.  Shinigami cried out as he felt a cold blade  slice through his lower  abdomen. The black blade as yanked swiftly out  leaving the young thief  gasping in pain. A chuckle was heard close by and  Shinigami felt pressed to  place it. Vision blurring out Shinigami twirled  around in surprise. The  jerky movement set of his balance, but he refused to  relent and show his  weakness to his prey. Correction, former prey. The  captain smiled and held  the dripping blade close in his palm. 

"Remember me pretty one? You killed my  brother," the captain growled. 

Shinigami managed a weak smile, "And you raped  me." 

"Tut tut, you knew you wanted it. Now it's time  to say good-bye!" cried  the captain raising the blood stained blade high in  the air. 

Shinigami cursed and dodged managing only to get  a jagged wound in his  thigh, "Watch where you point that thing!" 

"I was, till you moved," snarled the guard. 


Shinigami glanced up in time to dodge out of the  way of a flaming ball of  energy. Shinigami refused to cry out as the landing  jarred his wounds. He  looked up to see the calm facade of Khrusendra's top  solider, the famed  Lightning Count. Marquise snorted at the screaming  girl in the alley way.  At least she provided the distraction Shinigami  needed to duck. They needed  him alive and that captain almost went back on that  order. He'd pay for  crossing his majesty's wishes, but later and not  now. 

With a slight cock of his head he ordered the  death of the screaming  girl. Shinigami's eyes widened. 


And that was it. The captain barred the sword  strike well. She hadn't  had the time to scream again. That was good at  least, her scream was  annoying. Her death was much better in causing the  perfect weapon against  the fuming Shinigami. Marquise was to say a bit  surprised at the youth of  the boy that many so feared. His death would be a  bit sad to those who just  looked upon him. He was a doll of things, his  majesty would be overjoyed at  the beauty of the young rebel. Then again, that  would cause his attention  away from Oz's mission if only for a little while. 

Shinigami was breathless. He just witnessed the  death of one of his  closest friends in the business. And with the  screaming and the heavy smoke  of fire nearby, he had no doubt it was happening to  the others like them as  well. Clenching his fists in both pain and anger he  swore he would have  revenge. At least the with his death he would  finally be at peace. Death  would have to wait though, until the Khrusendra  bastard died for what he did. 

Oh yes, he would die. 

Shinigami was a bit surprised even with the  death of Hilde. They both  called their real names in desperation for instant  action. He smirked  knowing that the oblivious soldiers of Oz had no  idea that they did such a  thing. They just assumed that was their real names,  but now he wasn't so  sure. Time to think later, now it's time to get out  alive from these  bastards and warn his sometime partner Talon.  Hopefully he was still safe,  but then again who would check the traveling gypsies  for a mercenary? 

Marquise glanced upwards again surprised that  Shinigami was trying to  inch away. He smiled though, at least he wasn't as  boring as the others.  Maybe a slight bit crafty? The captain noticed this  as well and sought it to  his advantage to try and attack while Shinigami was  inching away. 

The thief snarled and grabbed his side as he  dodged the wild fireball  sent in his way. This guy was pathetic and knew  nothing of who he was  dealing with. Shinigami smirked, there was a reason  he was code-named death.  His free hand lowed with the black electric energy.  He winced slightly  knowing why it was so powerful. With so many  deaths, of course a necromancer  would have the advantage. 

Shinigami sent the sparkling energy at the  captain not stopping till it  filled the man fully then watching with obvious  boredom as the man exploded.  Nothing remained of the man save for a few floating  ashes. 

Marquise raised an eyebrow at the floating  ashes, he was impressed to say  the least. Shinigami smiled as the shadows encased  his form allowing him to  meld and drift away without notice of the Lightning  Count. The remaining  guard glanced around confused. 

"Hey where did he go?"  


That's all for now. Should I continue it? Not  really sure. Anyway if I do  I was planning on having it a 2*5, 3*4 and no idea  what to do with Heero.  Comments please?

On to Part 2