Gundam Wing Het Archive
Another Archive up and running although I only have one author in here so far. E-mail me if you would like your fic up here. New Author: Baerwolf with Duo's Grief for Quatre (1-2 up so far)
"This is a story that tries to explore the feelings and emotions of the other Gundam pilots (in particular Duo) when Quatre is almost killed during a battle. It is quite sad in places and you get to see a side of Duo's personality that you wouldn't normally see. As I said earlier, this is non-Yaoi, but does talk a lot about good old-fashioned friendship, and caring. "
Extreme Confusion, Total Sense-Warning: Confusing stuffs. Heero torture below. A death, perhaps? You figure it out. A bit of language for good measure.
Melting the Icy Heart-het, not much else yet. Original character...just read.