Angel & Buffy Slash
Okay I originally had the two shows seperated into different pages, but since a lot of the characters are in both shows I figured what the heck, I'll put them together. I will try to make mention of pairings so you all can pick and choose what you want to read. Thats all. E-mail me to get your fic on this page.
Update: New fics from Velvet Revolver called Lost, and from Michele called Stranded, He Cares, Meet the Master, and Burden of Guilt.
Why Me?-Pairing: S/X. Rating: R for subject matter. Summary: Spike needs somewhere to stay
Blink and You'll Miss It
-S/X reference to X/A, NC17,
angst, m/m sex.
Comfortably Numb -not a specific pairing, but very...explicit?
Swing -PWP? X/A pairing, smut.
The Right Person for the Wrong Reasons -Spike/Xander, Gunn/Wesley, NC-17 for m/m slash, language and rough sex. Summary: Seeking comfort after bereavement, voyeurism.
Times of Change-Angel/Xander, Faith/Willow. No Oz, no Buffy. Mild Giles. Very mild pairings, no more than a lime flavoring.
The Many Lives of Xander Harris-Death, Angel/Xander-ish, Crossover with Highlander, Xander abuse, Buffy bastardization. I like this fic.
Healing Together-Angel/Xander, Spike/Willow. Interesting...
Homecoming-Angel/Xander, Spike/Willow. Hmmm, words do not describe this fic. Just read it.
The Secrets We Keep-Spike/Xander (my favorite pairing). Xander's a demon!
Burden of Guilt - Willow discovers that even soulless vampires have regrets. Spike/Angelus implied. Rated R
He Cares - PG13 - Implied Slash. S/X. Deathfic.
Meet the Master 1 2 3 4 - Spike and Xander are bored and discontented. Action/Drama. Rated R
Stranded - The guys go on a strange journey, or do they? Spike/Xander/Angel. Rated R
Lost 1 2 3 4 5 -Spike takes one for the team. S/X