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Site : Surrendering

Mission Statement : This is a personal site. It is about me. It is my project. Thus, you should expect it to be mainly self-centered.
Surrendering isn't really about anything per say. It houses my "artworks" - writting, fiction, poetry, photography, and digital diversions. If you should have critisism of ANY of my works, feel free to email me. If it just "rubbed you the wrong way" I'd love to hear your opnion. BUT, if you are going to simply say "I didn't like it." please refrain from speaking to me, because if you can't tell me what's 'wrong' with it, I don't want to know who you are as I may be tempted to hunt you down. (just kidding...sort of)
Name : I'm not exactly sure where the name came might be a song, it might just be something I heard or even read in a world lit one knows....*Twilight Zone music plays*