> Page of horror mwahaha lol

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Friends + My favorite Quotes

  • Vicky- vicky is hilariously gay lol she is blond ( both ways lol) and 5'7 and she has an obsession with buying cd's... ur awesome your so awesome !~!there goes the last DJ!~! oh ya lol
  • Rachel- Rachel your great.. its crazy i haven't even been friends with her for that long but we've been through alot of shit. Rachel likes all kinds of music and she is 5'6 wit bloonnndd hair. .

    Paige- Your a funny bitch lol. aka SAVAGE!!! paige loves punk music!! and she hates good charlotte and avril lavigne. she's short:p 5'2 and she has big titties lol

    D'Shae- You r one happy lil bunny. D'Shae is a short one :p i dont get to hang out with her much because her dad is to prtective.. but she's great always havin a great time with her she has brown hair and a NICE ASS lol

    Tylor and Shannon- Ya u guys rock on ur guitars :p but ima be better than ur lil asses one day! U guys r always havin a good time jokin around lol keep up the gayness!


:.:between a blink and a tear is where death blooms:.:

!-! REMEMBER !-!


I'm so happy to be with you Mitch you make me so happy.

My Other pages and other sites

page#2-poems i wrote.. and my journals sorta
Page#3-meh stuff
ruby gloom- shes so special

Sad inside, happy on the outside, anti depressants work wonders. I like playing my guitar and I'm saving up for another one. I like going to movies and writing poems. I'm 5'6 or 5'7 and I have blackish super dakr brown hair.

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Email: kiwi_36@hotmail.com