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.:Random Thoughts:.

April 8.

TSA TRIP *considering they concern technology, why is their website so crappy? ; We went on the bus to go to College of New Jersey at 8:30. Arrived at 9:20. Saw a sign which said: Tech Student A$$. Seperated & continued to our events. I was in for Tech Challange. My partner was Steve. (Better known as *Fetus*, sorry Steve)We found out that our schedule for that event was wrong. Instead of being at 11:30, it took place at 10:00. Thus we arrived late. The project was to build a golf tee as high as you can with 5 sheets of newspaper and 7 inches of tape. Badddd combo. Just before the thing we built collapsed, it was 8 ft. So we naturally gave up. It ended up being just three inches. So we went ate lunch, which was not at the place we thought it would be. After that, the ceremony had taken place. Officers of the Technology and Science Association were inaugurated. Bernards had no idea that such a vote had taken place. Who knows. Better yet, we left with no awards whatsoever being disqualified from several events. Figures. Even worse was the fact that the bus that came to pick us up was lost and late, leaving us the last ones stranded. -syz

April 9.

1st Day in school since Spring Break;Ah...that day finally came and gone. I forgot half of what I learned two weeks ago. Had some work to catch up to. Found out that the Drivers Ed Test was manana! Got to study for a Math quiz, a spanish quiz,and a Auto Test...Nothing much happened today. What I can say is that I, justice Shu Yu Zhang, have fairly graded my two councils: Lincoln (Jeff Walsh) and Valldinham (Crystal Borne). I am to be graded tomarrow as a justice. Hope I'm okay. Now...I have finished uploading my new Presidential Outline of Andrew Johnson . I didn't rate him too well. Still another thing due tomarrow, the large Character Analysis of Jim Casy. I'll upload it asap. I got a lot to finish. G2G. Later.-syz

April 21.

Not too long until report cards...sheesh....I didn't do too bad. I uploaded two essays...If there's stuff I can upload....I upload to the School Section. One is romeo&julietand another is Civil War Issues. That's about it. I did see two movies some days ago:
Swordfish:about some people trying to hack into a bank to get money to fund a plan to blow up terrorist.
Rating: **** There aren't deleted scenes.
America's Sweethearts:A Haughty superstar's (ex-fat) sister falls in love with the superstar's husband (which the superstar doesn't even live with).
Rating: *** The movie sux.
So those were the movies. Oh...I plan to upload more into links . Be sure to check it out! July 03.

Oh my I haven't updated in a long sure to check out the High School Section for new finds... Oh yeah, I'm really really wanting my own house some day. Perferably now! I've cut out houses that would suit my taste...I might take the course next year: Arch Design. You get to plan your house the first year and build it the next year! Yeah!I've been watching movies lately. Check out these ratings:
A Beautiful Mind:about Nobel Prize Winner, John Nash's struggle w/ his double personalities to solve a complex economical formula in Princeton(in NJ: WOOPEE).
Rating: ***** Wonderfully twisting film. Go see it.
Black Hawk Down:The US intrudes on Samolia's civil war and brings in troops unexpectantly finding out that it's not that easy to capture the leaders w/ out a fight
Rating: **** Lots of violence, disturbing to those w/ Blood-phobia.The plot isn't too structured. .
Minority Report:The future brings us the Pre-Cogs who can predict Murders before it happens. Tom Cruise is being hunted by his boss who used the Pre-Cogs to protect is failing system. Tom finds out and ....SEE THE MOVIE
Rating: ***** The plot is well structured this time. It's a twist between the Matrix and Sphere.
So those were the movies. It's been fun doing this site.....HA! Laterz