Pseudo Intellectuals: Should They Die? Yes.

I cut myself every night. The blood is so beautiful.

Let us begin, children, by defining a pseudo intellectual. My definition of a pseudo intellectual, or pseudo, since I'm too lazy to type the whole thing, is more or less, a goth. One of those types who dresses to "shock" and uses their "hardcore" bands' opinions as their political agenda. They generally wear black, red, or gray, and dye their hair awful colours. They are known for bitching endlessly about how awful their lives are, usually through sickeningly angsty poetry.

I used to think they were kinda cool. Probably because I didn't really know any.

Now I really, really hate them.

They honestly believe that the popular kids do nothing but make fun of them. They honestly believe that everyone religious is out to convert them. And they love this! They love the idea that they're "being persecuted!" Now, maybe I just live in a really liberal area. Or maybe, this doesn't happen. Sure, there are a few raving evangelists who picket Manson concerts, but really, they aren't the majority of Christians. I see more goths badmouthing Christians than the other way around. Again, maybe I live in a very liberal area, but I have never seen a Christian bashing a goth. And it's not like I have a bias. I'm an atheist, so don't accuse me of being "one of them." Likewise, the popular kids really have better things to do with their time, like sleep with the captain of the football team. Face it, pseudos, you're no more than a bunch of pasty suburban white kids trying to piss off your parents. The only persecution you face is not having your own fucking phone line.

One of the reasons pseudos hate popular kids so much is this mentality that they are more original than those sheep. Even though all pseudos wear the same. Damn. Thing. Conform to non-conformity! The comic at the top of this rant perfectly conveys my feelings towards the contradiction that is "pseudo originality." Really, your inverted crosses and pentagrams aren't shocking anyone anymore.

But there's one thing that really, really, REALLY makes me want to destroy everything remotely pseudo and dance on the grave. It's that angsty poetry.

I hate, hate, HATE angst. Rather than make me feel pity for the author's life, it makes me want to mercilessly shoot them in the stomach. Angsty poetry is a sea of terrible metaphors somehow relating to cutting, breakups, and unpopularity. There is no skill or talent to be found within it. I could write an angsty poem in five seconds flat without any inspiration. Worst of all, the author *always* thinks they have somehow benefited the world by writing out their "original" views on life. (See my opinion on pseudo originality above.) Angst is laughable, and it is not deep at all.

Get over your fucking selves. That's the message of this whole rant. Wake up and realize no one cares.

In conclusion? There are people out there worse off than you. You are not better than the rest of us. Stop bitching. Thank you.

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