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Pillsbury Patch
Ships Dependent Cruise Invitation Letter

An Invitation to a Dependents Cruise 1958, other letters and
Ships History Compliments of James Mauk ME3

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USS Pillsbury DER-133 Welcome Aboard Pamphlet 1957
USS Pillsbury's 1957 Welcome Aboard Pamphlet

Welcome To "OUR HISTORY" Page Five

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Welcome Aboard handout to guests
Dependents Cruise Handout
Welcome Aboard
Pillsbury History.
Pillsbury History
Guest Handout
 POD Dependents Day Cruise
POD Dependents Day Cruise
Menu for Dependents Day Cruise
Menu for Dependents Day Cruise
FAMILYGRAM Issue #1 July 58
FAMILYGRAM issue #1 page 1
FAMILYGRAM Issue #1 page 2
Captains letter 1-1-58
Captains Letter to crew's
families 1-1-58 Pg-1
Capt's Letter 1-1-58 Pg 2
Capt's Letter 1-1-58 Pg-2
Capt's Dependents day cruise Invite letter 5-30-57
Capt's Dependents day cruise Invite letter pg-1
Invite 5-30-57 pg-2
5=30-57 invite letter pg-2
Capt's Letter 7-3-57 to families
Captains letter to families 7-3-57 pg-1
Capt's Letter 7-3-57 pg-2
Captains letter 7-3-57 pg-2
Longest operation in pickett history
Longest Operation In Pickett History Pg-1
LOPH Page 2
Longest Operation in Pickett History Pg-2
Longest Operation in Pickett History Pg-3

News Paper Clipping 7-23-57
News Paper Clipping 7-26-57
News Paper Clipping 7-26-57
Plan of the day 4-28-57
Plan of the day 4-28-57
POD 12-4-57 Pg-1
PLAN OF THE DAY 12-4-57 Pg-1
POD 12-4-57 Pg-2
PLAN OF THE DAY 12-4-57 Pg-2

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