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<title>IHSA NEWS</title>
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<h1 align="center">IHSA NEWS</h1>

<!--Freetext--><P> *Welcome to the IHSA main page!*
<P> Zone 9, Region 3
<P><img src="http://gallery.angelfire.com/webelements/Lines/Lines1/00012000.gif" width="597" height="20" >

<P> Latest News!
<P> Congrats to the new IHSA officers:
<P>Pres. Tara Lavin
<P>VP. Aubrey Rankin
<P>Secretary and Treasurer, Rochelle Patacek
<P>Hunt Home Show Chair: Tara Lavin
<P>Co Chair: Jen Roley
<P>Western Home Show Chair: Aubrey Rankin
<P>Hunt Team Captain: Amy Olson
<P>Western Team Captain: 
<P>Education Committe: Emily Hamel, Jen Anderson, Ashley Warren, Rochelle Patcek
<P>Horse Chair: Laura Schaffer

<P> Congratulations to the following stock seat members that qualified for Regionals!
<P> Judy Wickham, Jessica Fraust, Amanda Johnson, Emily Mauer, Kristen Schumacher, Maggie Edwards and Ted Chapman. 
 <P><img src="http://gallery.angelfire.com/webelements/Lines/Lines1/00012000.gif" width="597" height="20" ><P>IHSA has elected members for officer positions, these members will help keep the team organized and a success. <P>*get volunteer points, and a chance for some free riding lessons!
<P><P><img src="http://gallery.angelfire.com/webelements/Lines/Lines1/00012000.gif" width="597" height="20" >
2004-05 show pictures!!
<P> Elizabeth Allen with Easy at Ellsworth western show!
<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/beth1.jpg">
<P>Larry and Silas help prepare horses for the UWRF show.
<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/larry.jpg">
<P> Aubrey Rankin with a UWRF horse.
<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/aubrey.jpg">
<P> Ted in the UWRF western show.
<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/ted.jpg">
<P> Jess Yocum in the UWRF show.
<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/jess.jpg">
<P>Jona at the Ellsworth show

<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/jona.jpg">
<P>Can you believe it? Ted wants to wear a tutu!
<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/tutu.jpg">
<P> Ann on a cute Fjord at the Ellsworth show.
<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/annfj.jpg">
<P>Girls smile pretty at the Ellsworth show.
<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/west.jpg">
<P>Judy Wickham trys out the costume class in Nebraska.
<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/judy.jpg">
<P> Emy helps at the UWRF show.
<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/emy.jpg">
<P>The horses "whisper" to a UWRF rider.
<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/whisper.jpg">

<P><img src="http://gallery.angelfire.com/webelements/Lines/Lines1/00012000.gif" width="597" height="20" >
<P> Schedule of this years shows!
<P>Oct. 2-3, western show in ellsworth
<P>Oct. 10-17 UW hunt show
<P>Oct. 30- UWL western
<P>Nov. 6-7, UWRF hunt show
<P>Feb. 19-20, UMC western show
<P>Feb. 26-27 UWRF hunt show
<P>April 2-3, UW hunt Regionals
<P>April 9, UNL western show
<P> April 10, UNL regionals
<P>April 17, hunt, western UWRF zones

<P><img src="http://gallery.angelfire.com/webelements/Lines/Lines1/00012000.gif" width="597" height="20" >
 <P> Here are some photos of our show members from last year.
<P> <img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/tia.JPG"><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/two.JPG"><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/jumper.JPG"> <img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/meinz.JPG">
<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/appy.JPG"><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/girls.JPG"><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/uwrfhorsemans/heather.JPG">

If you would like "your photo" to be IDed with a name, class number, placing you recieved,etc., please let me know! 
<P> If you have any corrections, or additions for this site please e-mail me at: likatrump@yahoo.com
<P> Last updated: May 2nd, 2005!


<font size="5">Links</font>
<a href="http://www.ihsainc.com/">IHSA homepage!</a><br>
<a href="http://angelfire.lycos.com/">Angelfire Web pages!</a><br>

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