Collected Early works of Aleister Crowley
Greek Gematria database
Order of Thelemic Knights
O.T.O. U.S. Grand Lodge
Typhonian O.T.O.
Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua
Parsons: Avatar of the Eleventh Hour
David Bowie and the Occult
Crowley bio by Robert Anton Wilson
The Libri of Aleister Crowley
Biography of Aleister Crowley
University of Texas exhibit on Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley 1875-1947
The Great Beast Speaks
Sword of Horus bio of Jack Parson bio of Aleister Crowley
Spermo-Gnostics and the O.T.O
Gnosticism and Esoteric Christianity and Judaism
Gnosis Archive's Gnosticism page
Gnostics and Social Revolution
Gnostic Christianity
Wikipedia article on Gnosticism
Gnostic Society Library
Gnostic Resources
Gospel of Thomas Homepage
The Cainites
Jesus and the Mystical Tradition of Same-Sex Love
Clement on the Carpocratians
Carpocrates in 2nd Century Alexandria
Renewal Gnosticism
Eusebius on Cerenthus
Temple of Simon Magus
History of Simon Magus
Theosophical Society article on the Ophites
Irenaeus on the Ophites and other Gnostic sects
Christian and Egyptian Seth
Jesus the Magician
Magic and Miracles in the Gospels
Anti-Gnostic links
Early Church Fathers
Nag Hammadi and Berlin Gnostic Library Colletion
Nag Hammadi
Septem Sermones ad Mortuos
Ritual in Gnosticism
Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
History of the Gnostic Catholic Church