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Hymns, Invocations, and Prayers for Nebt-Het


O nefer Nebt-Het, Lady of Heaven, Mistress of the Two Lands, who liveth within An. You whose portion of the Sky forms the abode of Heru, Come be besides me now. Listen to my mouth, and see my soul from my eyes, and bless me with the strength and protection which are Yours alone.

Nurse me within the extreme limits of myself, and guide me with Your feathered arms through the external. Provide my eyes to see the hidden in all things, and give my heart Your great understanding of them.

You who are the left eye of the Bennu bird, You the magnificent faceted Plume, You the righteous assistant of Ra from the First Time, You who are blessed in Eternity forever, help us to rise and overcome with Your secret dance, as You helped Asar Neb-er-tcher. You, the greatest forever and ever.





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