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Devotional Ritual to Nebt-Het

Items Needed:

- A small oil lamp or candles
- Kyphi incense
- Charcoal disks
- Four small bowls (Two for water, and two for Natron)
- An offering appropriate to the Neteret
- Offering bowl
- Ma'at feather
- Water for libation
- A moist clean white cloth
- A small container of clean sand
- 2 blue, 2 white, 2 green, and 2 red ribbons
- Two pieces of white linen
- Essential Oil sacred to the Neteret
- A ritual broom
- An Ib
- An Ankh

Ritual Bath:

- To perform a ritual bath, prepare your tub as you would normally, then fill a bowl of water and hold this in both hands in front of you as you state:

"O water may you remove all evil, As Ra who bathes in the Lake of Rushes, May Heru wash my flesh, May Djehuty cleanse my feet, May Shu lift me up and Nut take my hand"

- Set the bowl of water aside and lift a bowl of Natron as you say:

"It is pure, it is pure, My Natron is the Natron of Heru and the Natron of Heru is my Natron. My Natron is the Natron of Set, and the Natron of Set is my Natron. My Natron is the Natron of Djehuty, and the Natron of Djehuty is my Natron. My Natron is the Natron of Geb, and the Natron of Geb is my Natron. My mouth is the mouth of a milking calf on the day that I was born."

- Mix several grains of the Natron with the water in the bowl. Swish some of this salt water around in your mouth and spit this out. Also, dab some of the mixture in your ears. Pour the rest in the tub, then bathe as normal. Saying:

"The water is as the inundation, It purifies my body as a wave, It cleanses my limbs of all impurity, It purifies my being of all that is unhealthy, This water is sacred!"

- Afterwards, dress in clean, loose fitting, white clothing, saying:

"May Tait awake in peace! May Tait awake in peace! May the Eye of Heru which is in Dep awake in peace! May the Eye of Heru which is in the mansions of the crown awake in peace! This is a pure garment, like that which Heru has made! May Tait cloth me, May she lift me up to the sky in her name of 'Kite.' For I am the one she has found, Her Heru, whom Aset takes by the hand to Ra on the Horizon!"

- As you prepare to enter the temple always perform one of the submission/humbleness (bowing while touching ones hands to ones knees.) gestures. On entering the temple repeat the following:

"O doorkeepers of this temple, you who ward off all evil ones, Do not permit them to enter behind me into this temple, their faces will turn backward as they recoil, for my purity is the purity of Heru, and the purity of Heru is my purity, my purity is the purity of Set, and the purity of Set is my purity, my purity is the purity of Dejhuty, and the purity of Dejhuty is my purity, my purity is the purity of Geb, and the purity of Geb is my purity! I come into your presence, O Nebt-Het! Heru-Ur has purified me, Dejhuty has censed me. I have made my way and entered into your presence, for I arrive on the way of the Neteru. I enter welcomed and I appear here desired. No evil will block my path, it will not repulse me, It will not chase me away, for the power of the Neteru is with me. I am the Great Dejhuty of the Daughter of Ra: I come to carry out my office. I have not taken away any of the offering cakes. I have not diminished the food offerings, I have not abominated when I purified myself. My hands are those of Heru, My hands are those of Dejhuty, I bring the Eye of Heru to its Neteret, I place Ma'at upon her throne, For I am a priestess. I am pure."

- At the altar mix four balls of Natron in a bowl of water as you repeat:

"I give you essential water, a tide in your time. I bring the flood waters to purify your sanctuary. I bring you the flood waters to purify your temple, the primordial that purifies for the first time!"

- Walking four times clockwise around the room, sprinkling the water as you repeat with each circuit:

"I come close to you, I bring the water of rejuvenation, that flows from the two caverns, I sprinkle the water, purifying the temple of all impurity!"

- Cense the room with the incense walking four times clockwise while repeating with each circuit:

"Nebt-Het washed the body of Aser with her tears: her tears are the smoke rising from the incense burner. He awoke refreshed and renewed, his body pure and fragrant. Be pure, O body of Aser, be fragrant, O body of Aser. There is nothing corruptible within you, for you have been cleansed by the tears of Nebt-Het!"

- When finished, place the offerings on the offering table near the altar. Then proceed with the ritual.

- Light the oil lamp or candles on the altar while repeating:

"Come, come in peace, O Nebt-Het, Be strong and renew your youth in peace. For the flame shines like Ra on the double horizon. I am pure, I am pure, I am pure, I am pure."

- Place more incense on the burner and repeat:

"The fire is laid, the fire shines; The incense is placed on the fire: it burns. As Kephri rises strong in the morning may the perfume of this incense find its way to your nostrils. May it be pleasing as the dancers at the festival of Het-Hrw. May it be fragrant as the skin of Aser when he comes to woo Aset in Amentet. May it be holy as the Sem-priest reciting hymns to Amun in his temples. This incense is the Eye of Heru: I give it with a joyful heart."

- Holding your hands in the invocation/nis (Arms stretched out in front of you, yet bent at the elbows. The hands should be open almost as if one were about to shake hands with someone while beckoning) position repeat the following:

"O nefer Nebt-Het, Lady of Heaven, Mistress of the Two Lands, who liveth within An. You whose portion of the Sky forms the abode of Heru, Come be besides me now. Listen to my mouth, and see my soul from my eyes, and bless me with the strength and protection which are Yours alone.

Nurse me within the extreme limits of myself, and guide me with Your feathered arms through the external. Provide my eyes to see the hidden in all things, and give my heart Your great understanding of them.

You who are the left eye of the Bennu bird, You the magnificent faceted Plume, You the righteous assistant of Ra from the First Time, You who are blessed in Eternity forever, help us to rise and overcome with Your secret dance, as You helped Asar Neb-er-tcher. You, the greatest forever and ever."

- Slowly unbolt the doors of the Naos opening these while repeating:

"I have seen the Neteret, and the Powerful One has seen me. I have gazed upon the statue of the sacred image of Nebt-Het, and she rejoices at seeing me."

- Begin by performing the gesture of Embracing the Earth: One kneels on the floor with the knees forward and the buttocks resting on one's feet. Then lean forward, stretch your arms out in front of you on the floor with the palms down, and touch your forehead to the floor, or more traditionally, kiss the floor, then remain in the kneeling position on the floor, however place your right knee forward, right foot under your butt while your left foot is forward and flat on the floor (your left leg will be bent with the knee pointed up). With your right arm raised behind your head and bent at the elbow clinch your fist. Then with the fist of your left hand gently slap your chest just above the right breast. Having done this you then bring your hands up into the adoration/dua position. After performing the adoration/dua pose, once again bring your fists back to the position just described as you slap your chest. This act should be performed four times. After the fourth gesture, proceed to finish with the gesture of Embracing the Earth once again. When the gestures are completed repeat:

"Hail to You: protectoress, winged one, Whose name is hidden, whose form is unknown. You whose wings span the heavens and encompass the Earth. I greet you with rejoicing, Breathing the wind that comes forth from your feathered arm. Blessed one of the fountain of Amentet, Your water provides refreshment, it pours forth onto the fields of Geb. The Black Land is nourished by your libation, You restore the form of the Green God. You chief mourner of the departed one, Your lamentations stir life in your beloved brother. Your favored form brings refreshment to the Ka's in the Duat, Your weeping is silent, your speech is pure. Djehuty makes way for you when you enter the hall of Amentet, He records your mourning chant in the divine book."

- Still kneeling raise hands in adoration/dua (Hold your arms in front of you to about shoulder height with the palms of the hands facing outward.) as you recite the following four times:

"Nebt-Het is the hidden head, she stands behind the Green God, She grants her arm to the stricken, she breathes by the sacred disc, She is the Goddess who hides herself. She brings refreshment to those who are in darkness. Her name is She-Who-Embraces, daughter of Ra, The one who gives all pure and good things to Asar."

- Stand placing more incense on the burner. Offer this to Nebt-Het as you say:

"The fire is laid, the fire shines; The incense is placed on the fire: it burns. As Kephri rises strong in the morning may the perfume of this incense find its way to your nostrils. May it be pleasing as the dancers at the festival of Het-Hrw. May it be fragrant as the skin of Aser when he comes to woo Aset in Amentet. May it be holy as the Sem-priest reciting hymns to Amun in his temples. This incense is the Eye of Heru: I give it with a joyful heart."

- Remove the statue from the Naos and place this on a clean linen or freshly scattered sand atop the altar. Then, with the incense cleanse the inside of the shrine and place clean linen in this. Now hold the representation of Ma'at in offering while repeating:

"In the Hall of Maat all words are weighed, all intent is examined. The Maati spirits serve truth and its manifestations, They justify those who enter. The world of the lotus flower is the region of Maat, where honor and order preside. Here I am renewed and justified in her light."

- Perform the "embracing of the Neter" (The right hand is placed on the shoulder of the statue, while the left hand placed on the statues opposite wrist or hip.) Repeat the following and visualize a flow of energy circulating between yourself and the Neteret:

"The plumes upon the head of the August One are Aset and Nebt-Het. They go round about the body of Asar, providing his offerings, the sisters of the Green God. Nebt-Het brings refreshment to the silent One, She anoints her brother, she restores his breath. She is here."

- Remove the clothing from the previous day, as you do this repeat:

"Your beauty belongs to You, Your cloth is around You, Nebt-Het, who resides in An. I have seized for You this Eye of Heru. May you be adorned. You possess Your beauty, You possess Your raiment, You are a Neteret, O Nebt-Het."

- Pour a libation of water into a bowl and offer this. Then dad some on your fingertip and touch it to the base of the statue while repeating:

"O Nebt-Het Take this cool water of yours, that you may have life and never thirst. This is the pure water that came from Nun. Accept these gifts in recognition of Your divinity: For you are great, highly acclaimed among the fellowship of the Ennead; none may stand against You; You have youth and beauty: Great is Your name throughout the Two Lands."

- Offering Natron to the statue while repeating:

"Your Natron is the Natron of Heru and the Natron of Heru is Your Natron. Your Natron is the Natron of Set, and the Natron of Set is Your Natron. Your Natron is the Natron of Djehuty, and the Natron of Djehuty is Your Natron. Your Natron is the Natron of Geb, and the Natron of Geb is Your Natron. You are established among them. You are pure, You are pure, Nebt-Het! You are pure, You are pure, Nebt-Het! You are pure, You are pure, Nebt-Het! You are pure, You are pure, Nebt-Het!

- Wash and dry the statue with the clean white cloths. Then, hold four of the colored cloths in your hands (one of each color) as you repeat:

"Take the fabric in a state of absolute purity, I clothe Your image with purity.'

- Place a blue ribbon around the statue's shoulders as you say:

"O Nebt-Het, take for Yourself this, Your radiant cloth! Take for Yourself this Eye of Heru, coming from Nekhen, That you may shine in it, that you may be splendid in it, that it may please you."

- Place a White ribbon around the statue's shoulders as you say:

"The white cloth comes, the white eye of Heru comes, having left Nekhen, May you array Nebet-hetepet. May you adorn Her, May you assume your position upon Her arms, in this name of white One of Nekhen, Nekhbet, who has come from Nekhen."

- Place a green ribbon around the statue's shoulders as you say:

"Her raiment is the cloth which Iusaas, who resides in Iunet, received. Her raiment is the idmi-cloth from the arms of Tait...Aset has woven it, Nebt-Het has spun it. May You make the cloth to shine on the day of Iusaas. May you triumph against Your enemies."

- Place a red ribbon around the statue's shoulders as you say:

"May the Eye of Ra, She of the Two Lands appear, the ruler of the island of flame, great of Rage, Mistress of Her maker, who issues commands to the Ennead of the Neteru. She gives Her papyrus-wand and those who are in it to Het-Hrw. Come before Her, appear upon Her brow, Protect Her from the Akeru. Grant fear of Her and that Her strength may be great."

- Anoint the statue with oil using the little finger of your hand while saying:

"The Oil is upon Your forehead, May it gladden you Nebt-Het, Princess of the Neteru."

- At this point sprinkle sand on the floor in front of the altar while saying:

"O Heru, You have found Your eye. You have sprinkled the Eye of Heru in the form of sand. Pure is Nebt-Het. Pure is Nebt-Het. Pure is Nebt-Het. Pure is Nebt-Het.

- At this point offer any other offering you have to give with this hymn:

"Homage to you Nebt-Het, whose crown is exalted this day, Who is given sovereignty in this shrine. May the divine company make way for you. Receive on your table of offerings what is given by one who honors you. And may dominion be given to you, that you may be mighty in your transformations in the holy places. I have brought forth that which opens the mouth of Nebt-Het, I offer pure things, giving: __________ Everything good and pure upon which a divinity lives. Receive at this hour of your appearing these goods from the domain of Hotep. And as you receive life, may you give life, and as you make manifestations in your shrine, May all men and women and beings of Earth Give honor to your name, Nebt-Het."

- Holding the Ib in your cupped hands, offer this to the statue while repeating:

"I bring you your heart nefer Nebt-Het, placing it in its seat!"

- Offer the Ankh while repeating:

"Hail Nebt-Het, in your life and in your beauty! You who returns with the Ankh. The lands and people flourish because of your grace."

- Recite another hymn With the Ankh and Ib in both hands:

"Sister of the beloved God, who assisted as Aset gave birth, Who nursed Heru in the hidden marsh, May you prepare the Birthchamber. May you come forth from the shrine of Iunu in peace, To preparing libations for the living. Guardian of the divine house, chantress of the funeral song; Alight upon the night-barque, which travels in peace through the Duat."

- At this point, you should observe the festival requirements for the day, then go into your meditation or perform any magic that is needed. When ready replace the statue in the Naos and bold the doors. Remove the offerings from the room. Then return and put out the flame of the oil lamp and any candles that may be burning. Remove the foot by sweeping the area with the broom while walking backwards. Once you have left the room and are closing the door say the following four times:

"Dejhuty has come. He has delivered the Eye of Heru from the hands of His enemies. No evil shall enter into this temple. Ptah has closed the door, Dejhuty has set it fast. The door is closed, the door is set fast with the bolt."

*Severly adapted from Kerry Wisner's "Song of Hathor"*

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