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All About Mokona

[ General Info. & Magic Knight Rayearth : Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle and xxxHOLiC ]

Here you'll learn more about Mokona's name, physical appearance, how it gets around, special abilities, language, personality, people it likes, eating and sleeping, purpose, and origins.

* Name

Yes, the critter's name is Mokona. Why? The Magic Knight Rayearth series was made by a group of four ladies called CLAMP. One of them, who drew its characters and background art, is named Mokona Apapa. So, Mokona is named after her. The back pages of the first manga has a little silly fun describing this fact. :-)

Fuu: The artwork is done by one member, Mokona.
Mokona: PU!!
Fuu: Not that Mokona... her name's Mokona Apapa!
Mokona: Pu?
Mokona Apapa: ?
Hikaru: Two Mokonas!
Umi: They look alike too!

As for the one who actually drew the puffy one, that would be Mick Nekoi of CLAMP. She also did the other super deformed mode characters. *gasp* That raises the question... is Mokona always in superdeformed mode?!? Hmmmm... ;-)

* Physical Appearance
How would you describe Mokona to someone who's never seen it? Well, if you'd say it looked like a larger than the usual marshmallow with floppy ears, that would come close.

Mokona hopping
You don't have to go to the trouble, however, as you can see its image right here. Isn't is cute? :-) Judging by its size while being held by Hikaru, Mokona seems to be just under a foot high.

Mokona wears the same ecstatically happy facial expression most of the time. It's *so* happy, we only see its eyelids! :-) There are a few times, however, when things are *so dire* that even Mokona can't help but have a sad expression. Those times are few and far between though.

Mokona also has a gem placed on its forehead, and is usually colored red or pink. Since this is the source of the critter's magical powers, I'll discuss that in the "special abilities" section.

Mokona has little rosy cheeks, stubbly little hands, and long feet (more on that soon). Oh, one more thing. Mokona has a tail--you'll notice it when viewing some of the scenes.

Manga spoiler: Click for more information.

* Getting Around
Mokona running
Mokona's preferred method of transportation is to hop from place to place. Quite rapidly in fact. While it's unknown what substance Mokona is made out of that gives it an extra bounce, its feet are seemingly springloaded. :-)

Mokona can also remain airborne for a short period of time by flapping its ears--we see this in episode two when everyone is escaping the monster inside of Presea's armory. Mokona, as seen when entering Presea's creation room, can also burrow underground.

* Special Abilities
Mokona's special abilities all come from its forehead jewel. With it, many objects can be materialized including:

  • a picnic blanket, basket, and fruits
  • a sleeping chamber
  • (anime only) a container full of medicines and bandages
  • a large winged flying device
  • (manga only) smaller winged flying devices, more like flying chariots
  • (anime only) a map with current positions of people and objects

From the forehead jewel, the little critter can also project a beam of light for people to follow. People can also communicate with Clef through Mokona--the forehead jewel changes to a color "suited" to that person, and a short beam of light illuminates their head allowing them to talk with Clef.

One further ability is Mokona's knack for disappearing when danger is near, and reappearing when it has passed.

* Language
Mokona's vocabulary consists of the word "Pu", but it's pronounced "bu". There are variations of course, such as Puu, Pupu, and Pupuuuu. Either way, it's all quite cute. :-)

Because of this vocabulary, not many can understand what the little critter is saying--only those who are closest to it gain the ability to understand. Hikaru has this ability in the anime, as does Umi latter in the manga despite (or because of) the critter's knack for annoying her.

Manga spoiler: Click for more information.

* Personality
happy: First and foremost, Mokona wears the same ecstatically happy facial expression most of the time. This eventually gets to both Umi and Primera, who have *ahem* "difficulties" with the critter.

helpful: Mokona is quite helpful. Being true to Presea's statement that it has everything the Magic Knights need, the fluffball produces things from its forehead jewel when it's most needed. All one has to say is, "I wish I had..." and poof, Mokona makes it appear! These things include food, medicine, and a sleeping chamber--among other things. Mokona also lets the Magic Knights communicate with Clef when needed, as well as guiding everyone through Cephero to Eterna and latter to the Rune Gods.

mischievous: Mokona has a mischievous side which we constantly see. Going nuts with piles of paper in Presea's study, lulling Umi into a kiss with an angry face, not raising the flying device's protective dome until the last moment as it plunges into the sea, and bouncing Primera out of the way as she flies by just goes to show what happens when you turn your back on that critter for one second! :-)

Mokona spinning
playful: There's a fine line between being mischievous and playful--both tasks are ably performed by the fluffy one. This critter is all to happy to oblige (and fuel) Umi's temper tantrums. How about a game of whack-a-mole with Umi? Sure! ;-) Why not project Clef's image while standing upside down on your head? No problem. Can we have Mokona's impression of Hikaru doing a Flame Arrow attack? Sure thing! :-)

protective: Mokona protects people who need help. This can range from standing over Primera to shield her from falling rubble, to sitting on her so she doesn't follow Lantis into a dangerous situation, to pushing Hikaru from the path of a dangerous light creature. Mokona also knows that Rune Gods talking to Magic Knights need to be left alone--hence the fluffy one blocking the way and giving a sharp "Pu!"

serious: The snugly puffball knows playtime is over there's a serious job to be done. The end of the sixth manga shows Mokona's most serious task to perform--there's more about this under Mokona's purpose.

* People Mokona Likes
Constantly in Hikaru's arms, Mokona really likes her. The two can also be seen snuggling together at bedtime. Awwwww! :-)

Mokona happy
Mokona also likes Ferio and Lantis, both of whom the little critter can be seen hanging on to. Mokona was also last seen at the end of the first season with Clef.

Because of its mischievous personality, Mokona shows its "like" for Umi and Presea by constantly giving them grief. ;-)

* Eating and Sleeping
In the anime, we see Mokona at a picnic with the Magic Knights and is holding fruit. We never see the critter eat it, but perhaps that's because there is not enough time to do so--the ground shakes, it's revealed Cephiro is beginning to fall apart, and the Magic Knights must be on their way.

Mokona eating
We do see Mokona actually eating a bun in one occasion. Ferio treats the Magic Knights to lunch in town (season one, episode seven) and all are seated in the tavern. The tavern keeper delivers a fresh plate of buns and tells how a desert mysteriously appeared on the other side of the forest. Watch that scene again and you'll notice Mokona is the only one who actually gets to eat a bun--Umi comes close, but never takes a bite! Lucky Mokona! :-)

In the manga, Mokona is never shown to be eating anything and it's theorized Mokona may not eat at all.

As for sleeping, we see in both anime seasons the critter being cuddled in Hikaru's arms as she's sleeping. Mokona also dozes off on the sleeping chamber's rooftop. We can hear Mokona snoring (it sounds so cute!) when the Magic Knights are in the cave at the base of the sky shrine, and also during anime season two as Hikaru leaves her bed--Mokona sounds startled for a second, then continues snoozing away. Awwwww! :-)

* Mokona's Purpose
In both the anime and manga, Mokona's purpose is the guide the Magic Knights. First, it's to the Legendary Spring of Eterna to get Escudo, and latter to where the Rune Gods are. How does the critter guide the Knights? Basically, they follow that bouncing fluffball. :-) Mokona can also set a general direction to follow by casting a beam of light from its forehead jewel in a desired direction. Be warned that Mokona may not take to most direct or safest route.

Mokona happy
Its other purpose is to just act cute and be entertaining. :-)

In the manga, we also see the Manshin / Rune Gods bend down on their knee and respond to the little critter. Latter, Rayearth tells Mokona one of the Magic Knights was able to enter Autozam's road. Hmmm, I wonder what's going on? ;-)

Manga spoiler: Click for more information.

* Origins
In both the anime and manga, Mokona is given to the Magic Knights by Presea, who we learn was given to her from Clef. In season two of the anime, it's revealed Mokona was given to Clef from Princess Emeraude.

We learn that Primera in season two of the anime (and latter manga books) senses Mokona is not from Cephiro.

Manga spoiler: Click for more information.

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