On this page you will find information on what's new, about the Bun House, artwork use, copyright info., and a disclaimer.
* What's New *
12/11/05 - Information about Mokona in Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle and xxxHOLiC now appears on its own page. Photos of the Mokona chess figurine, as packaged with CLAMP no Kiseki, is now included there as well!
4/28/04 - Information is added about Mokona in Clamp's Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle manga.
1/2/03 - 1600x1024 versions of the Cupid Mokona and Mokona Surprise desktops have been created, and are available on the downloads page.
7/15/02 - Mokona's Bun House is launched--I hope you all enjoy it!
* About the Bun House *
I created this Website as a shrine to Mokona, that floppyeared fluffball from Magic Knight Rayearth (MKR), and to highlight some of the little critter's more subtle aspects. :-) How could anyone resist something *this cute* ?!? ;-) OK, Mokona provides good comic relief and, as seen only in the manga, there's more to Mokona than meets the eye--all things cute and fluffy may not be so innocent!! ;-)
This site discusses Mokona as seen in both the anime (TV series) and manga (comics).
Why did I call this site the Bun House? Mokona is seen munching down a bun in the seventh anime episode, so calling it the Bun House relates to that yummy snack. It's also a word play on "fun house" which also brings out the character shrine concept (in the form of a house). Enough said! :-)
The puffy-looking typeface used throughout Mokona's Bun House is "Pleasantly Plump", an all-caps free TrueType font. It has been further given a 3D shaded look using Adobe Photoshop.
Yup, I do indeed have another Website. It's windarrow's cloud layer and contains information and desktops (including non-Mokona MKR desktops) on other anime series.
* Artwork Use *
The short version: you can use the artwork from this Website for personal purposes so long as it contains a credit line with a link back to this Website.
The long version:
You MAY:
- use any artwork from here for display on a personal Website (including in a gallery), but it MUST include the credit line "(artwork name) by windarrow" and be placed near the image. The word windarrow should be a link to this Website. You DO NOT need to contact me that the artwork is being used--but it sure would be nice of you though! :-) Why not tell me what you think of it and how it could be even better?
- use artwork on this Website as the starting point for your own ideas.
You may NOT:
- use any artwork from here and claim it as your own.
- display any artwork from here without a credit line. Please see the copyright information section above for linking information.
- recrop desktops, wallpaper, or images available from this Website to remove copyright notices.
- display any artwork from here on a commercial Website without permission from windarrow.
- resell (or make available as part of a salable product) any artwork from here for any commercial purpose whatsoever.
If you would like to use any artwork from here in a manner not covered by the policy above, please e-mail me for permission (I just might say yes.) Thanks!
Authorship Verification
Be it sad but true, some people don't respect the efforts of others and may claim the work of others as their own. It is for THOSE people that the following should be understood. Please note the artwork available on this Website may include nonvisible watermarks. Should the need arise to verify the artwork was produced by windarrow, a "procedure" can be done so the watermark becomes visible. This watermark does not use any copyrighted technology or method. In short, please respect the artwork use policy noted above and all will be fine.
* Copyright *
The artwork in the Bun House was made in its entirety by windarrow and is fanart. It is not for sale in any way. It is presented only for noncommercial, informational, and entertainment purposes. Magic Knight Rayearth and its characters belong to and are copyrighted © by CLAMP.
* Disclaimer *
Mokona can be a mischievous critter at times and windarrow takes no responsibility for the consequences of letting the little fella romp around unsupervised. You are advised to keep all books and pieces of paper away from Mokona. Do not place Mokona in situations which call for complete silence or seriousness. Be advised that Mokona can fly (by flapping its ears). If Mokona acts as your guide, please note it may not take the most direct or safest route. Mokona can (and will) quickly disappear from dangerous situations. Please feed Mokona regularly--it usually likes cinnamon buns, which it digests in quantity, but it also likes fruit. Especially apples. Mokona likes hugs too. :-) In short, be nice to Mokona and Mokona will be nice to you.
Warning, the following is quite silly... ^_^
Fluffy one, puffy one, floppyeared fluffball, fluffy critter, and snugly puffball are all copyrights of "Pu pup Puuuu! Inc."
...And now for the Mokona-language disclaimer (read carefully!):
Pu pup pu. Pu pupuu, pup puuu. Peep pu pup pu. Pu! Puuu pu, pu pu. Pup pu puuuu! Pu pep pu. Pu pu puuu pup pu pup pu. Pu, pu, pu! Pup puuuu! Pup peep pup pupuuu. Pup pu, pup peep pup pu, pu pu puuuuu! Puuuup Peep pupu puuup pu. Peep pup pu. Pup puuuu! Pu pu, pupu pup peep pu. Pup pup pu pu. Peep pup pu. Pup pu. Puuu puuu pupu. Pep pup puuuuuu! Puuuu pupuu, puuuu! Pep pup pu. Pup, pu pu peppupu pu pu. Pup puuuuuuuu!
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