Yoga Asanas for Back Pain
breath deep and easy - belly expanding gently (not forced) on inhale and contracting gently on exhale - move only to the point of sensation with easy deep breathing
- lean buttocks against the wall - step feet forward- forward fold- breathing deep and easy - bend knees if back hurts - hold pose 1-4 minutes
- lay on your back- knees in your hands - extended as far away as possible while still being very relaxed - roll from side to side slow and easy - continue exercise for 1-3 minutes
- lay on your back - knees bent - feet on floor - cross your knees right over left - lift your hips and shift onto your left hip setting it back onto the ground - allow the knees to drop to the left onto enough pillows to prevent any discomfort in the body rest and relax deeply - repeat other side - hold pose 2-8 minutes
- lay on your back - knees bent - feet on floor - slowly rock your pelvis and hips - inhale and gently roll the small of the back up (do not lift hips off of the ground) - exhale and gently roll the small of the back towards the floor - soft and easy releasing pain and tension - continue exercise for 2-5 minutes
- lay on your back - knees bent - feet on floor - squeeze right leg in - take several breaths - extend leg with strap - take several breaths - drop leg out to the right allowing strap to extend - after several breaths bring leg to neutral and then drop down to the left - rolling onto the left hip/side - repeat other side - exercise takes 5 + minutes
- lay on your back with your buttocks against the chair or couch - your legs resting heavily on the couch or chair - legs roll outward from the hip and thighs - stay in pose 5-15 minutes
- same as 5 but with legs up the wall