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Ah, so you are bored enough to come and visit my fanart of Vasqueziness doom, eh?

And REMEMBER!! All of the drawings are © by me, not the original pictures I drew them from (if any. Some of these are just the result of my demented imagination). If you'd like to use one on your site, just let me know, and I'll most likely be more than happy to let you use which ever one you want! And if I find one on your site that you didn't ask for, or I did not give you permission previously, I will personally hunt you down and beat you. Don't toy with me. >: )
Thank you and have a nice day!

Also, items with these stars beside them have special meaning-
- show the fanart added or changed within the last few artwork updates!
- fanart that is 100%, totally, completely, entirely, absolutely from my demented little imagination (Or at least 99%. In other words, drawings that the only reason I looked at another pic was to make sure I got the clothes right or something. It's original.)

If you respect me at all, do not steal my hard work!!! If you e-mail me and ask politely, then 99.99999% of the time, I will let you use whatever you'd like of my artwork.

My Fanart

The Vasquez Team - I love this. This was my first time drawing most of these characters (actually, my first time drawing everyone but Jhonen and Zim). Nny's thinking, "What's that little green thing?" and Squee's thinking, "What's that big tall thing with red hair?" Ya know, I never knew drawing Devi was so fun! And yes, I know Shmee really looks sucky, but I had nothing to go by, and I've never really seen him, so nyah.

Jhonen @ an Interview - THIS IS SO ADORABLE!!!!! I saw this pic in the back of the JtHM Director's Cut collection for an interview with Jhonen being interviewed by...well, himself, but still... (It was kind of an FAQ kind of deal)

The Genius Himself - Admiring his own work...kinda conceited, doncha think?...on second thought, I do that all the time... x_X... oops. Nevermind. (Note: This was my first time drawing Jhonen. Dear God I hated drawing that hair...) You know, it really freaks my mom out when I sit like this, too... I guess when you're a guy, you can get away with it...and without the funny looks...

Nny with his Only Living "Pet" - Heehee! I know we all recognize this pic, but I changed his face to one I thought

Nny Egyptian dagger? What the heck...? HOW DID YOU GET THAT?!?! - And he's holding my bronze or copper (not sure which) Egyptian dagger, my favorite piece of my knife collection (acutally, it's the only piece in my knife collection, with the exception of 2 tiny Swiss Army pocket knives...)

Bye Bye Bye - Whuh-oh, lookie who landed a backstage pass!! (Short Disclaimer: I have nothing at all against Nsync. In fact, I like them. I like the Backstreet Boys too, and I may do a pic like this with BSB in it just so no angry Fatone-or-whoever-your-fave-in-the-group-is fans send me hate mail. Okay, disclaimer over.)

"I Feel Sick" major characters - Includes Devi, Tenna, and Spooky!!! This is a drawing of the pic from the back cover of the 2nd issue. Duh.

Devi & her Demon-esque Doll - This would really be a sweet picture...if I didn't already know what happened next...

Tenna & her Weird-But-Cute Doll - ^_^

My Fancels

Jhonen's Interview - I thought the background looked really neat on this one! It seems to make everything stand out so well (Oh, God, I've been in my art classes for too long!!!! I'm sounding all weird and critique-y!!!! 0_o HELP!!)

The Backstage Pass... - I've had so many people to say that they loved this pic! (Okay, so I just had 2. So shoot me. XP Nyeh.) Anyways, I REALLY love the NSync guys' expressions!!! Funny!!

"I Feel Sick" major characters - I started to get the feeling that a higher power was interfering with my getting this one done. By the time it was over with, I had spilled purple paint all over Tenna and then about a half hour later, I smeared half the paint on the cel when I accidentally brushed my arm across it... -_-* If you look carefully, you may be able to see the silver paint smeared across the top right corner of Tenna's mouth, just under her teeth...

Devi & Sickness - Okay, okay, okay! So I made her eyebrows a little too thick, so shoot me! Get off my case, would you please?!? >_< Sorry, mood swing...

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