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These pics are among my favorites, and are ALL completely original! These illustrate the eerie tale of Invader Moose...
(by the way, the tag above is one I had custom-made by airbrush! The name there is my name in Hawaiian, pronounced "Lee-nah-kay")

Also, be sure to check out Noodle's "Invader Moose Chronicles," a fanfic-like story based on these pics!! Read it here!!!

The Spooky Origin of Invader Moose

Lindsay (aka, ME) Moose was a typical human with an interest in the paranormal (not to the extent of Dib though, just a simple hobby ^_~). When Zim arrived, Moose (for short) was currently going to the nearby High Skool and began to notice the tiny green "new kid". Obviously hearing of Dib's beliefs about Zim (hey, who in the city hasn't heard him talk about Zim being an alien?), she began to observe Zim secretly, trying to learn about him, his kind, and his mission, but only means to observe and learn, not stop him like Dib wants to.

Soon, Zim, being the insanely-intelligent little thing that he is (HA!), notices her, but does nothing immediately, considering that she had been spying on him, but not interfering with his mission. In the night, he captured Moose, and teleported himself, Moose, and Gir to the Massive, the Allmighty Tallests' ship. He had considered the fact that she was very tactful, and could be a great asset to the Invaders, and was intent on "converting" her into one. With the Tallets' equipment aboard their ship, the Irkins have gained a powerful ally...


Moose's Abduction - Ooooooh.....spooky! See my "children" in there? (The 2 birds), and yes, I have a quilt (actually a comforter) that looks like that!

The Transporter - Red: "What are you doing...?"

The Conversion - This pic shows Invader Moose aboard the Massive, in the process of being partially-transformed into an Irken (by partially, I mean that her memory is erased, she is given her indigo-colored Nano-pack, boots, and gloves, and is awaiting her first assignment). I love this. This was my first time coloring a picture entirely in Prismacolor pencils (with a few accents in metallic gel pen)

The New Moose - The Tallest have just completed Moose's "Conversion" and the conversion pod has just opened, revealing the half-Irken Moose, who is still very dazed from the whole ordeal. Purple is very proud that Irken technology has the power to create an Irken-other species "hybrid," while Red is unsure of all of this... (read the story, you'll see why Red's not too thrilled about this)

"Where am I?... What am I?..." - This is Inv. Moose as she just starts to regain consciousness, and has no memory whatsoever of her past, or even what species she belongs to. The Tallest and Zim observe as she comes to, not quite sure exactly what will happen...

"How can you eat your food when it's still ALIVE!?!?" - The issue of food will inevitably come up when living with the Tallest! Unfortunately, I'm a very finicky eater, so you know there's gonna be trouble!

"Why's he being so nice to me...?" - Eventually, the issue of "Where's she gonna sleep?" came up. Red volunteered, somewhat reluctantly. Moose, however, could tell that he felt sympathy for her, and knew he was trying to help her feel more comfortable, since she was 6 million light years from home. And look, he even lent her a nightshirt!! ^_^

The Invader without a past... - Invader Moose has realized that she really is very different from the Irkens, and confronts the Tallest about her unknown past. Here, she's seen having just asked the Tallest to tell her the truth about where she came from as one of the Tallest tries to comfort her and wipes away her tears! *sniff* I really love how the eyes turned out in this picture.

"Tallest" Mri - Nifty graphite drawing that I did by request! :D

Mri Expression Sketches - Just some facial expression sketches of Mri! ^_^

The Fallen Angel - This is by far one of my most symbolic drawings! This pic is of Cri (aka "Kri") from the Chronicles. The angelic-styled wings (by that, I mean feathered wings, instead of bat-like wings) symbolizes her inner innocence, while the black feathers shows her alliance to evil! Read the story, it'll make sense.... -_-*

"I just want me back!!" - Basically, the evil Mri is trying to mentally control me... (read the fanfic, you'll get it)

The Mental Chase - Here, Moose is being chased in her mind by the evil Irken Mri!...well, not really Mri, it's Mri's essence (for those who haven't read it, "essence" is like the person's spirit, but it can infect someone else's consciousness), all the while holding the "key" to her salvation.

"Fight with your mind, not your eyes!!" - This is based on a scene from the end of the fanfic where Moose has to battle the evil Mri's essence . Here, Moose is concentrating on Kao's words of advice.

2 Personalities, 1 Soul - After the incident with Mri, Moose is returned to Earth as a reserve Invader (the Tallest will call her if they need a new Invader). Though she is human, she still has the alter-ego spirit of the warrior Invader Moose. On the left is the shadow of the mysterious Lindsay, on the right is the formidable Invader.

Moose on a Mission - After being called back to Irk, this is Moose on her first mission, Planet Lupesia. As she sits at a local hangout, she overhears 2 locals discussing how the planet's government is particularly weak right now. Lucky! (Apparently, by the looks of these guys' claws, Moose should be wondering why the Tallest are seemingly trying to get her killed!)

Moose's 1st Assignment: Success - YEEEEE-HA!!! WHOOO!! (It's really scary how much this actually looks like me)

"GO AWAY!!! Shoo!! Shoo!!!" - After conquering her first planet, a celebration is in order! Being the first victor, Inv. Moose is given first call on all the snacks, but the Tallest don't want to wait in line...! (By the way, NO, I DON'T EAT THAT MUCH AT ONE TIME!!! And thanks to Dad for the corny "Burpsi" spinoff! :P Also, that little thing bouncing off my head is a cheese puff, and the "Ice Sucky" thing is a reference to Jhonen's JtHM issue #6)

"They're fighting because they love you and Purple...!" - The Irken army is fighting in a war, and Red feels that he should be fighting along side them. I cheer him up a little by telling him that it's okay to be protected, and that they're fighting out there because they love him and Purple.

Moose vs. Kao - This makes sense if you read the fanfic sequel... Also, this is the first pic I did with Prismacolor pencils and markers!

Irk's Last Hope - Doesn't instill much confidence in the Irken race that their future is resting with these 8 lunatics (L-R: Zim, Cri, Red, Moose, Purple, Kro, Zix, & Nix)

"Backseat Driver!!" - This is why I should never be put in a ship with anyone else (and not by myself either, since I crashed a Voot into Purple's home on Irk in the sequel)

Going to the Dark Side - In "Moose Chronicles III", I get captured by Mri, who makes me agree to join her in taking over Irk (heh, everyone who hasn't read it yet is gonna kill me for giving away part of the storyline... ^^;;) I LOVE my expression!! I usually am really terrible at doing anime profile-angles, but this one turned out pretty nicely! :)

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