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Lookie!! Here's what we will learn today, class:

Ready? Okay! Let's go...

Step 1: Really Weird Eyes
The eyes (or in Gaz's case, the lack thereof) are really pretty easy to do. I recommend just outlining the "eye" shapes (the little angle-y, pointy things), then filling them in, instead of trying to draw and fill in at the same time.

Step 2: Nose & Mouth
Startin' to look more like her already, huh? :) For the nose, it's just like half of a square...sorta. And the mouth is just a straight line! YAY! You can make her more irritated-looking if you don't angle the mouth upwards as much as I did here, but that's your preference!

Step 3: Hair, part 1 (Hair! Part! HAHA! Get it? Hahahaaaaa....nevermind.)
The hair is probably the most awful thing about Gaz to draw. First, I like to recommend starting with that really long line at the top, then doing the bangs. With the bangs, it's just a semi-quick, swooping motion to get them to look right!

Step 4: See? Now here comes the horrible part...
THIS is the part about her hair that I hate doing the most! Those weird pointy things along her jawline! GAH!! And for easier reference, I'm going to call them "curls", so I don't have to type as much... ^_~ Anyways, the one closest to the foreground (in other words, the curl on the side of her face that is towards you) should usually be done first, to make things easier. The part where it comes to a point will be about equal to where her "eyelash" splits in two. Wow, I really don't know how to describe how to do this!! Um...start with the long line towards the back of her head, then skip over to the pointy part. Then do the pointy curl on the other side of her head. It's really not as bad as I'm making it sound, I guess... I think I'm just confusing myself.... @_@

Step 5: She needs forelimbs to play her GS2!!!
YAAAAY!!! Something fairly easy!!! ^_^ Her sleeve is just a reeeeally stretched out triangle, so that's pretty easy. The cuff of her sleeve is sort of a cone shape, so that's easy too! I prefer to do the hands like this (two fingers, curled backwards, arms straight down by the sides) since it's just a really cute, innocent-looking pose. :)

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