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*sluuuuurrrp* ...What?...
(By the way, that's me drawn in Invader Zim style above! And with the Tallest! ^_^ They're my favorite characters, in case you don't already know. That ultra-kawaii pic was drawn by Cupcake! Thanks again, RC!!!!!! And yes, I really do look a lot like Dib, except with hair kinda like Gaz's... it's not purple though...)

And REMEMBER!! All of the drawings are © by me, not the original pictures I drew them from (if any. Some of these are just the result of my demented imagination). If you'd like to use one on your site, just let me know, and I'll most likely be more than happy to let you use which ever one you want! And if I find one on your site that you didn't ask for, or I did not give you permission previously, I will personally hunt you down and beat you. I am very defensive about my artwork. Don't toy with me. >: )
Thank you and have a nice day!

Also, items with these stars beside them have special meaning-
- show the fanart added or changed within the last few artwork updates!
- pics that I don't have anymore. Ones with this star are currently residing at Planet Wallywood, the home of "Red"! (if you don't already know what I'm talking about, don't ask.) or living with Richard "I AM ZIM" Horvitz!
- fanart that is 100%, totally, completely, entirely, absolutely from my demented little imagination (Or at least 99%. In other words, drawings that the only reason I looked at another pic was to make sure I got the clothes right or something. It's original.)

If you respect me at all, do not steal my hard work!!! If you e-mail me and ask politely, then 99.99999% of the time, I will let you use whatever you'd like of my artwork.

My Fanart

"Happy Birthday, Invader Moose!!!" - I had to make Dib & Zim a little taller in this pic, because it would've been even more of a pain in the butt to draw me leaning over any more than I already am! I also made Dib kinda Anime-ish, and Zim's giving me the thumbs up, because I've managed to somehow survive this many years on "this nasty rock", as Tak so accurately put it...!

Moose with the Tallest - Very cute!

Me with Red - If anybody out there can explain to me how someone so scrawny with such skinny arms (Red, not me) can carry a 110 lb. Moose, I'd love to hear it, because I have no idea.

Me with Purple - After I drew this one, i thought of something. You know that armor (or whatever it is) that they have over their shoulders? How could I sit on his shoulder with that there? I still have no idea...

An Invader Zim CHRISTMAS!!! - Bwahahahahaha!!!! Funny!!! Zim gets a bomb from Tak, the Tallest are squabbling over a present (and scaring the heck outta me), and Gir gets a new moose plushie!! (Note: This isn't based on the Christmas episode, since I did this drawing before Thanksgiving... ^_^ Also, note the little Voot and Massive ornaments, which I look forward to adorning my tree this year!)

"HOLD STILL!!!" - Don't ever give a piggy-back ride to someone who is about the same size you are... especially if your neck is about 2 inches in diameter.

Moose & the Tallest in Hawaii - In this pic, I've just wrestled a drink away from Purple, and, just to freak him out, I've got him in a head-lock with his head well...look for yourself... And Red seems to be getting a kick out of it! I love the Hawaiian Irken logo on Red's board and the little fishies on Purple's shorts!! (those things on Red's shorts are palm fronds)

Invader ZIM Cast - Includes both forms of Zim and Gir, Dib, Gaz, the Tallest, and even Bitters! (I think this was my 2nd Zim drawing ever. I dunno, since it was a long time ago. I know it was my first time drawing everyone but the Tallest)

Invader ZIM Cast-- the Sequel!! - Okay, finally did a muuuuch better group pic of most of the major characters (at some point or another). Gir is hanging on Zim's back, who is ignoring him, Dib is annoying his sister, who is trying to ignore him, Membrane is having trouble with the consistancy of some freakishly-colored chemical (hey, I know I never saw anything that color in Chemistry class), Jhonen standing there looking cool, Bitters (both forms) is being intimidating (NM Bitters just doesn't have to work as hard at it, especially if you've got weird striped tentacles coming out of your back), the Moose is just...there, and Purple is just being a dork, and annoying the heck outta Red (BUNNY EARS!!! :P).

Happy Birthday, Red!!! - A VERY limited edition (only one made so far, but I'll make another for myself later, since I still have the initial sketch) that was created especially as a surprise gift to Wally Wingert, the actor who does Red's voice, for his birthday!

Get well soon, Red!!! - Wally had a cold and I had been wanting to do a pic of this for quite a I did! (BTW, I told him that I was not accusing him of doing this... :P) Also, I had to change the color of the trim on Red's robe from white to a light red. He looked like Santa Claus.

Invader Zim mixed with famous Anime characters... - Bwahahahahaaaa!!!!! This is just TOO DARN CUTE!!!!!! This is a weird little pic of some of the Zim characters crossed with my favorite Anime characters!!! (I tried to get the antennae shaped like the anime characters' hair) Zim is Sailor Moon (complete with "Luna"!!), Dib is Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo, Red is Urd from Oh My Goddess, and Purple is Aisha Clan-Clan from Outlaw Star!! (If you don't recognize or don't watch these animes and don't know what the actual characters look like, here's a composite image of them!)

Sailor Zim - Seems like Zim has found a new use for Sailor Moon's wand (but I think he's learning now to mess with the senshi of water!)! Y'know, after I showed this pic to her, my friend Jess said I needed therapy... :P Also, here's my reasoning behind each character's match-up:
Zim - Moon : Main character. Duh.
Dib - Mercury : Both are brainiacs.
Red - Mars : Do I really need to explain?
Gir - Jupiter : The thought of Gir with electricity was just funny to me.... :)
Bitters - Venus : Who better to be the goddess of love & beauty than Ms. Bitters??? Haha.
Gaz - Uranus : Sporty, violent, intimidating.
Jhonen - Neptune : Artistic, good-looking! ^_~
Tak - Pluto : Dark, mysterious, force to be reckoned with.
Purple - Saturn : Again, duh.

Zim's a little ticked off with me... - Hehe! Zim has finally gotten fed up with being drawn as Sailor Moon (if you haven't noticed yet, Zim has been thrown in a Sailor Moon fuku (fuku is Japanese for "suit") in both of my Zim-anime crossover drawings!) and is promptly yelling at me on the phone. Meanwhile, Gir has ironically found a new favorite cartoon...!
Fanart idea from Noodles!! Arigatou, Noodles! ^_^

Zim: "Look what she did to ZIM!!!!" - Zim's really ticked off about me drawing him in these anime pics, so he finally complains to the only person who might have any artistic influence over me.... (by the way, the others are with him only to complain that their powers backfired...except for Gir, who's still playing with his electricity...)
Thanks for the idea, Zzy!!

Awwwww!!!! Zimmy has a new friend!!! - Zim: "What the heck is THAT thing????"

Just who put these two in a room together?? - Pleakley is a major pain in the butt to draw. (in case you don't know, Kevin McDonald did the voices for BOTH Purple and Agent Pleakley!)

The Microscopic Irkin Invader - The Tallest's silhouettes looming over the teeny-tiny little Zim.

The Great Assigning - Yes, people, this is as complicated as the Assigning gets... (see if you can find the famous "Planet?" sticky-note!)

Deception - Quite possibly my favorite drawing of Zim & the Tallest! This one took me about 2 hours (45 min to draw, 15 to trace over to printer paper, and about 1 hr. to color). I finished it up about 2 am one night... o.O *listens to people telling her she needs to be sleeping at that hour* Sleep? Sleep? What is this "sleep" that you speak of...?
(Note: I finished this one on Valentine's day-- er... morning, which is why I put a tiny heart next to my signature!)

"I'm in a Bear Suit!" - *LOL!!*

Dib- "I'll bet he doesn't even know what parents are!" - This scene from the "Parent/Teacher Night" episode was so funny! I just had to do it!

Dicipline! - Zimmy's in trouble...!

Dib's Nightmare World - Oooooh... spooky! This is drawn from a picture that was shown during the end credits of the Halloween episode. And LOOKIE!!! A REALLY DETAILED BACKGROUND!!!!!! :D (just for fun, I added a few Halloweenies, along with Nightmare Gaz, Membrane, Nny, and I even made up NM Jhonen!! :P Also, see if you can find Zim's house and the Skool in there...!)

Nano-Zim - I got the basic idea for this pic from the "Dib's NanoChase" game at I really like Zim's little "@!#*&@!!!"

Battle of the Planets - Very neat-looking! I'm very happy with how this one turned all I gotta do is draw a background for it...crap.

The Wettening - Dib wants to hang around and "play" with Zim a little more, but Gaz is ready to go home!! I think Zim's about ready for them to leave, too... (by the way, this one looks particularly neat, because I did the water on and around Zim in metallic!)

"Come along, Gir...." - Very cute! Based on a request from Zzy!

Gir- "I still gotta hug in me!" Zim- "AAAAAAGH!!!" - *squeals* ADORABLE!!!!!

Zim's Ohana- "These are my parents, them with all my heart....I MUST HAVE PUNCH NOW!!!" (Note: My first time drawing the robot parents. And, for those who missed Lilo & Stitch, "ohana" is Hawaiian for "family")

Dodgeball! - I can't begin to tell you how much I love this pic (looks like Dib's enjoying it too...) It was really awkward coloring the sky red though... I've wondered why it's like that in the show. ?_?

...It must be love... - Zim too happy about this, I guess... although Dib's thrilled to death that there's someone who despises Zim as much as he does!

Sgt. Hobo 678 - Apparently, Zim just doesn't know when to quit....

Typical Evening at the Membrane Household - I made Gaz's head a little too big, but I'm still proud of it! And I absolutely LOVE Dibby's expression!!!

Dib tormenting Gaz - This is just too cute... In the initial sketch, I had Dib like he was holding up a UFO magazine with his right arm (the one NOT on Gaz's head, for the directionally-challenged), but when I did the final drawing you see here, I thought it really turned out better without it!

Gaz tormenting Dib - REVENGE for the above pic!!! Aww! Gaz is really cute when she's happy!

"RUN!!" - This is just so cute! I LOVE how Zim runs, the way he holds his arms up when he's running! ^_^ This pic is based on a button I bought at Hot Topic!

Zim's Solution to his Altitude Problem - Awww! How cute!! He's trying to make himself look bigger!!! The scary thing is it's working...
Actually, Wally had this pic and gave it to Richard Horvitz for me! YAY!!! Or at least I sent it to him to give to him... 0_o

"AAACK!!!! MY SPINE!!!!!" - Heehee! (I cropped the heck outta this one, since the entire pic is only about 4" tall and about 3" wide! I just drew it for a gift banner for this site, so I drew it small so I wouldn't have to re-size it much. I also only scanned the outline for the banner and colored it on the computer, then colored the actual drawing by hand later, which is why they're so different.)

Eerie Dib (from the opening scenes) - This is just weird. Turned out pretty neat-looking, though...

The Demon-Teacher - Eep.

"Probing the Membrane of Science" - Okay, so kids actually compete to do this?? Oh, and later on, I realized that it's not "Poking the Membrane of Science" like I thought, it's "Probing", so I changed the title of the pic. (My descriptions are a lot shorter now, aren't they? Don't worry, they'll pick up again in a minute! ^_^)

The Tallest - This was my very first Zim drawing ever!!! I got off to a pretty good start, I'd say...not to be tooting my own horn or anything.................... (*toot*)

"'re alive..??" - "Dangit. 6 months in a tiny Voot Cruiser with GIR singing didn't kill him..."

Red & Purple's lunch break - Look at all those crumbs!!! Man, Red's a slob... (I shouldn't say anything. I had a bag of Cheetos on my bed for 2 weeks once.)

The Irkin Rulers - Bah, I hated drawing the Massive (the Tallests' ship)!! I got bored on a drive (obviously I wasn't the one driving) to a local state park for a solar viewing (I saw a solar flare!!! ^_^ Yay!!!) and drew the initial sketch for this one on the way to and from the park.

Red's found a favorite pasttime!! - *LOL* I LOVE how Purple turned out!! Poor guy, he didn't stand a chance....

Sleeping Late... - I still haven't got the slightest clue as to what possessed me to come up with this one, but here it is! I guess the random idea for it just popped in my head somehow... Anyways, I can easily see the Tallest as brothers (they sure act like they are!) so I thought this would make sense... sort of... (look closely to see my cute Tallest plushies!)

Levitation Trouble... - I had read on that the Tallest levitated because of the use of levitation belts, so that was just BEGGING for a drawing!! This pic takes place when Red & Purple were just becoming the Tallest, and, while practicing getting the hang of hovering under Irken technician Linake's (pronounced "Lee-Nah-Kay") supervision, we discover that Purple seems to be having a little braking trouble...

Tallest Red portrait - I really have no idea what he's doing, but he sure looks good doing it!

Tallest Red portrait (graphite) - Um...yeah, another one. Actually, I guess this could be Purple...I dunno. I'm really kind of surprised, but this one turned out nicely! (usually, graphite does not get along with me too well...) This one took me about 3 hours to do (I actually started it while waiting patiently for my Design I class to start! This thing's 11x14, too... 0.o;; Much bigger than I'm used to drawing! ^^;;)

Nightmare Bitters - She was probably my favorite character in the whole Halloween episode! I have no real idea why, but I'm a lot like her (sneaky, mischievous, short-tempered sometimes, and funny!) This isn't her most...flattering...pose, either... dang funny though!

Zim's friend from...another place... - Stare deeeeeeeply into Pustuuuulioooooo... Ewwww, icky, icky, icky...

Tak shows her true form... - WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER- DO NOT LOOK AT THE PIC IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE EPISODE!!! Okay, now that that's over with, I actually started brainstorming this one as I was watching the episode (yep, it just kind of came to me while watching TV, cool huh?) And I sort of based it on one of the chapter seperators from the Oh My Goddess manga, issue #10 "The Devil in Miss Urd"

Recruiting Poster for Operation Impending Doom 3 - CUUUUUUTE!!! I love drawing the Tallest freaking out, it's so much fun! ^_^ This is also my first time drawing Skoodge (and he is NOT EASY TO DRAW!!!!!!) (Poster created on MS Publisher, then printed, artwork added by hand, and scanned. Then, I darkened the header on the computer.)
Print it out! HANG IT ON YOUR WALL!! ^_^

"LEMME GO!! I WANNA HURT HIM!!!" - Looks like Purple's having an unusually violent outburst when "Table-Headed-Service-Drone" Bob tells him to get his own refill!

It's the whole iz cast and... LOOKIT PURPLE!!! Oh yeah,
Jhonen is cool to-- PURPLE!!! XD
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