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These little guys were a LONG time in the making, but I'm really very happy with how they turned out. :) Unfortunately, these pics are pretty blurry, since it's very hard to hold a digital camera steady while it takes the picture (which takes longer than with normal cameras). Can you actually believe that I've done 23 of these things? I sure can't..... 0_o

Voot Cruiser Earrings! - These are so cute!! In the photo, just so show how insanely small these little things are, I've included a nickel for reference.

Massive earrings! - I LOVE THESE!!! I wore these the very day after I created them! They're very detailed, even all the way down to the little Irken logo on the front (which had to be done in fine-point Sharpie, since it's so small)! Again, I've included a nickel in the photo to show scale reference. Also, here's what Wally had to say when I e-mailed a pic of them to him:
"FOL (falling over laughing...) A Massive that's not...massive!"

The Whole Set!! - This is the best pic of these that I have right now! :P I just wish that Dib and Gir weren't so "flashed out"! Still, this pic is here to show the basic size comparisons between all the pieces so far. And to show you what a hideous pile of crap I have at the foot of my bed. *grin*

Zim & Gir - These are pretty cute! Zim was a pain to do (actually, ALL Irkens are hard to make, mostly because of their head shape and their antennae). I really like how this pic captured of Gir's head (I painted it with a chrome-like paint)! Zim's base is painted up like the Earth, and Gir's is a simple bluish-green base with a snazzy silver glaze over it!

Zim & Gir, v2.0! - See, I made Zim and Gir without gluing their heads on. That way, I can make it so you can change their heads! I made Zim so he can be either Irken (previous pic) or human (here) and Gir so he's either saluting as an idiot (above) or seriously (here)!! Neat, huh? :) And, again, you can really tell how silver-y Gir is here!

Contemplating World Domination - (Partially based on this pic!) This one is pretty special... I had e-mailed a pic of the Tallest figures to Wally Wingert, and he loved it, so I made one for him. When I went to e-mail him to tell him it was done and I was getting ready to send it out, I noticed on his page that he was planning to get together with Richard Horvitz (Zim's voice actor!!). I asked Wally if he thought Richard would like a Zim one, and he loved the idea, so this is the one I made for Mr. Horvitz, and he LOVED IT!!! He e-mailed me and said he has Zim sitting on his fireplace mantle at his office and everyone comments on how cool it is!!!! (And yes, he has antennae. They're leaned back a little and he's looking up, so they're hard to see) The base of this one was painted a metallic red with a black Irken logo!

Zim Finally Conquers Something! - (Based on this pic!) This took forever. It was a nightmare to just hope and pray that everything was proportioned well enough (so that his hands were in the right place on the pole, for example) and I had to work with it to get him to stand up straight (this piece actually has 2 bases: one for the flagpole, and one for Zim. The base I originally made for the whole thing was too small, so I just used it as Zim's base) Both bases are painted a fairly-dark blackish-purple! (And I just thought that Earth-like planet in the background would be pretty neat-looking! ^_^ )

Spiderlegs Zim - And I even made a little removable Gir to hang on one of the legs!! ^_^

A very freaked out Zim running from something...! - (Based on this button from Hot Topic!) So cute..... by the way, he's hanging from one of my bedroom lamps, and yes, that's a Southwestern lizard design on the lamp base.

Dib & Gaz - Gaz turned out really nicely! I even gave her that trademark Game Slave 2 that she worked so hard to hunt down (the GS2 is removable, so you can take it out of her hands if you prefer)! Dib turned out pretty nicely, but not great, since he was my first Zim sculpture and I haven't worked with modeling in years. >_< Dib's base is made from blue clay with his "smiley face" t-shirt design painted on it, and Gaz's base is dark purple with a white skull (like we see in the opening credits)

The Tallest - (Partially based on this pic!) These guys are annoying to try to pose. I put a ton of wire in them, but because of the fact that they're so tall and their waists are so skinny, they keep wanting to keel over!! I knew that being tall would never be their downfall, but I never thought that being tall would make them fall down!! (okay, corny joke, I admit it. Gimme a break.) I made them each with a removable food item (Red has "Chipz" and Purple has a drink) and black bases with the Irken symbol (done in each's main color)
To see a transcript of the e-mail Wally Wingert, Red's voice actor, sent me when he got a Red sculpture, click here!
To see the digital pics he took of the figure, click here, here, here, and here,! (the first 2 were e-mailed to me, and show Red in his new home, a display case along with other character's Wally's voiced! The other 2 pics were on his site.)

Bitters punishing Zim! - (Based on this pic!) *LOL!!*

Professor Membrane - (Partially based on this pic!) This photo is so horrible...! He's actually holding 2 beakers (erlenmeyer flasks, to be technical about it), apparently trying to figure out something about the pink-ish liquid.

Nightmare Bitters! - (Based on this pic!) This was an incredible pain in the ya-ya. I can't tell you how irritating it was to do this piece!! She turned out pretty cool though, despite how insanely horrible this photo is... >_< You also get a good look at my jeans & snake-print PJ pants. And my closet full of T-shirts.... *LOL*

Tak & Mimi - (Based on this pic!) This one of Tak was the biggest pain in the neck anyone could ever imagine. Everything just kept breaking in half (especially her legs, for some reason... ???). There's as much super glue on this thing as there is paint. Also, I put SO MUCH DETAIL on this thing, but you can't see half of it! ARGH!!! For example, I even did the little symbol on Tak's shirt (it's a pink oval with a dark purple circle in it with a triangle below the circle)! I really thought Mimi turned out great though! Especially with those weird metallic red eyes!! Human Tak's hair is done in a dark blueish-black and has a great lightly-painted metallic blue glaze to show the highlights!! Tak's base is painted a dark purple with her version of the Irken symbol done in metallic red. Mimi's is a metallic red with the circle-&-triangle design (like is on her forehead when she's a robot) done in silver on the base!

Zim's Voot Cruiser - This one's made to be a Christmas tree ornament! ^_^

The Massive - Another Christmas ornament!(sorry about the horrible glare, that's from the metallic paint I used)

The Massive - (side view)

Jhonen - (Head based on this pic!) Of all the pics I have taken of these sculptures, this one probably turned out the best! And the base is painted solid black with the "Z?" logo done in white!

Nny and Mr. Samsa - (Based on this pic!) This is so cute, and his hair turned out great!! Nny's base is painted like his wooden plank floor with, of course, Mr. Samsa below his finger!

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