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Chibi Usa - Sailor Chibi Moon!

This is my tribute to Chibi Usa, the beautiful princess and daughter of Queen Serenity.

Misunderstood Concepts:
When I think about it, there are going to be people in life who you simply can't stand. Something about him or her will just drive you insane and you can't even handle being around them. With that said, I can respect someone's opinions and beliefs and therefore, I refuse to impose my own judgment or beliefs on them. However, with that said, I think it is ridiculous to see people online bad mouth someone just because of silly, superficial or stupid reasons. In this section, I'll provide the arguments they have, giving them their chance, and then I'll respond to those objections.

Argument #1 - She's an annoying brat from hell.
My Response - This is obviously a subjective remark. For some people, they might see her as an annoying brat. For others, I see a small child who is forced to become an adult at such a young age. As I mentioned before, in the Original Japanese Anime of PSSM and in the Manga by Naoko Takeuchi, Chibi Usa is struggling to survive after having been through such a traumatic event. So for the first part of this argument, it's all subjective. For the latter portion of this argument, saying that the little girl is from hell...I hope they realize that Chibi Usa is Usagi's daughter. Meaning, Chibi Usa came from Usagi, not hell. Quite simple really.

Argument #2 - She's disrespectful towards Usagi, copies everything Usagi does and tries to look better, and her hairstyle is stupid.
My Response - Let me work my way backwards on this one. Her hairstyle is stupid. Hmm. Okay, so then I suppose you also think that Usagi's hairstyle is stupid right? No wait, you’ll say that she's just copying Usagi's hairstyle and failed miserably. Well, if you haven't noticed, Usagi is Chibi Usa's mother and I'm just going off of what I know to be true when it comes to mothers...Mothers are the ones who comb their children's hair for the first few years it takes before the kids get use to doing it themselves; therefore, I think it is a safe assumption to say that Usagi was the one combing her baby daughter's hair during her childhood until Chibi Usa was old enough to do it herself. Meaning, Chibi Usa learned (nurture theology here) to comb her hair that way because of Usagi. So if you hate the hairstyle, shouldn't you also hate the stylist? Finally, the long part of this topic but I'll try to keep it short, Chibi Usa is disrespectful towards Usagi at first. Usagi was a total stranger in Chibi Usa's eyes and what do parents teach their children? (Mamoru also plays a role in this) Do Not Trust Strangers. That's why she was so mean at first; she’s just doing what she has to in order to survive. Traveling back into time is so scary for anyone, let alone a little child! So yes, in the Beginning, Chibi Usa is mean to Usagi but by the middle of that saga when Chibi Usa appears, it is obvious how much Usagi and Chibi Usa have grown to like and love each other.

Argument #3 - She steals Mamoru away from Usagi.
My Response - Chibi Usa never "stole" Mamoru from Usagi. Mamoru broke up with Usagi because he kept having nightmares and visions of her death. And in breaking up with Usagi, he decides to spend more time with Chibi Usa and take care of her. All the Usagi-fans automatically see Chibi Usa as 'the problem' and hate her for that. But she had no choice in going back to the past. Chibi Usa wanted to save her parents because she loved them. Essentially, Chibi Usa goes back in time to get the ginzuishou of the past because she supposedly 'lost' the one of the future.

Argument #4 - She loves Mamoru. Kisses him twice and seduces her own father!
My Response - (Sigh). Okay, I wish these people thought it through because it is a ridiculous argument. When Chibi Usa returned to the past, Mamoru was the only one nice to her. So of course she's going to trust and like him more than everyone else. Furthermore, we all know that she's his daughter, so there is instinctively a bond. Remember when Mamoru touches her hand and embraces Chibi Usa for the first time, he sees images of the future. He realizes that he is connected to this child somehow. Now, regarding the "kissing" scenes. Chibi Usa doesn't go up to him and kiss him when she first lands in Tokyo. She fell from the sky and the situation was just funny. She fell right into his arms where Usagi should have been. Chibi Usa didn't plan with Sailor Pluto, hey, return me to my past and let me fall into my father's arms so I can lip-lock with him. Eww! No way, and she's so young, she doesn't even know or think about that stuff at that age. Now, to answer the Manga" portion, remember in both anime and Manga versions, Chibi Usa was brainwashed. There is no romantic relationship with her father. Mamoru is hypnotized in the Manga and even beats up Usagi but that's because of the evil that is controlling both him and Chibi Usa. As for the scene when Wicked Lady kisses Mamoru, that's only in a dream Usagi had both in the anime and Manga. It never happened. It was Usagi's dream showing her jealousy, her fears, and her weakness in losing the ones she loved and having them taken into darkness.

Argument #5 - Pastel Colors suck and Pink is such an ugly color. Also, her eyes are red, "therefore, she's evil."
My Response - I'm not trying to make such a large stretch of this, but you know what? Throughout history, people have been abused and suffered just because of "color." We don't have to go far, just look at our disgusting history in how it treated the African American Community. No! Better yet, just look what we did to the Native Americans! Take a history of Latin America and you'll realize how badly people are treated because of "color." Hate is such a strong word and to hate someone just because of their color...I have nothing more to say.

Argument #6 - She's the weakest of the Senshi, relying on Sailor Moon's powers. She gets in the way and gets the other Senshi into trouble/hurt for trying to save her.
My Response - If I remember correctly, the Senshi are supposed to work together as a team. So it doesn't matter who has the "fire" attacks or the "death" attacks, it's about teamwork. So trying to say she's the weakest isn't fair. She's the youngest, but not the weakest. One could argue that each Sailor Soldier has a weakness and fails in one type of battle or the other. How many times did Mamoru save Usagi? Or for that matter, how many times has the Senshi saved Usagi's life, especially during the first season! So labeling someone as weak, especially a child, for not being up to standards that the older more experienced Senshi have is just not a fair statement. Now, others say she just relies on her mother's powers. It makes me wonder, did they even watch the original anime or Manga? Chibi Usa has her own moon powers. She's the heiress to the throne of the moon kingdom. She is destined to become the next Sailor Moon. So she doesn't take any of Usagi's powers, she's got her own power, and several times in the Anime, Manga, and Movies, she is targeted for her special and extraordinary power.

Argument #7 - She is not a lady and never will be. "She is nothing like her mother."
My Response - For those of us who have watched or read the story, we all know that it is Chibi Usa's dream and goal to become a lady and shine in her mother's eyes. That's all she wants. And who is her role model? Sailor Moon. She idolized Sailor Moon her entire life in Crystal Tokyo. Her mother is her role model. There is no way any daughter can become the exact replica of their idol, but in Chibi Usa's case, we all know she will never be able to replace Sailor Moon, but their personalities are so much alike, it's actually adorable to see Chibi Usa look up to Sailor Moon, even though she won't admit it out loud.

Argument #8 - Chibi Usa climbed into Usagi's bed and "promptly wet it." And when she's not wetting the bed, she's hogging the bed.
My Response - Uh, no. She climbed into Usagi's bed because she was lonely. Then she had an accident in the middle of the night and all little kids have these accidents. You cannot force a child to do something like that. That's why it's called pauty-training. The latter portion of this argument is somewhat silly, since we all know that Usagi herself sleeps sprawled out on her bed. And besides, people toss and turn in bed all the time. When Chibi Usa gets to big to share a bed with Usagi, that's when she gets her own special bed and room upstairs.

Chibi Usa's Story:
Very simple, Chibi Usa is the daughter of Mamoru and Usagi. She's been bullied and made fun of because she's not "perfect," like her mother, Queen Serenity. Although a princess, she was being tormented by jealous kids her age and they started to make fun of her for not being as powerful or having any special powers like her mother. In an attempt to see if she had any power and if she was worthy of the throne, Chibi Usa goes into Queen Serenity's room and picks up the ginzuishou of the future. Unfortunately, she didn't realize it at the time, but she did have power and lots of it! The Crystal actually connected with her heart and resided in her body just like it did with Sailor Moon. In a flash, it disappeared into her body without her realizing where it went and she ended up thinking that it disappeared forever because she touched it. Then in that moment of fear, her mother came running in because the Black Moon and its forces were attacking and the Queen was in search of two things, her precious daughter and the ginzuishou. Sadly, Chibi Usa watched traumatized and in horror as her mother, father, her guardians and even the entire kingdom fell into ruin. The most precious person she cared about, her mother, forced into an eternal slumber. Going back to the past to get the Crystal and seek the aid of her hero, Sailor Moon, was her only option. Little did she know, that Sailor Moon and Queen Serenity were one in the same. When the present-day Senshi were transported into the future to help Chibi Usa, everything went wrong. Sailor Moon was captured, Tuxedo Kamen and the sailor soldiers were hurt and weakened and Chibi Usa, in despair wandered off, blaming herself again for the enemy's actions. With her Luna-P companion, Chibi Usa was vulnerable and alone, feeling guilty and remorse for something she didn't even do. Wiseman could not have struck at a more opportune moment. Wiseman captured her and surrounded her in darkness where she would no longer feel any pain or sadness. He promised to fulfill her dreams but he also brainwashed her into believing that no one loved her and that she deserved better. He even went so far as to break her by changing her memories making her truly feel like nothing, but with him and the Black Moon, she would be loved. In a sense, he blinded her to the truth and changed her entire foundation of love into hate, and thus was born the Queen of Darkness, Wicked Lady or Black Lady (Manga). Ironically, both Chibi Usa and Hotaru (Sailor Saturn) are such innocent characters but when changed by Darkness, they become these really powerful, deadly, and awesome Evil Characters (i.e. Chibi Usa = Wicked Lady and Hotaru = Mistress Nine). Anyway, I digress. In the end though, Sailor Moon and Chibi Usa both work together to save their friends and the entire world. It was through the mother-daughter bond that brought them back together. In the Manga, it is much more tragic. Sailor Pluto, the guardian of time saved Chibi Usa but it cost Sailor Pluto her life.

Chibi Usa was able to transform for the first time thanks to her one and only friend. It's sad to think about it, but Chibi Usa must have been severely neglected by both her parents if she had only one friend in the entire Crystal Tokyo. It's a special relationship to think of, having the guardian of time as your loyal friend, always by your side and always there to guide and protect you. There is obviously something special about Chibi Usa because even though Sailor Pluto admires Sailor Moon as her idol as well, she still has a much more special and loving bond with Chibi Usa, nicknaming her Small Lady. As the series progresses, Chibi Usa returns to the future where she is reunited with her mother. She finally realizes what it means to be a Senshi and soon there-after is allowed to return to the past and help Sailor Moon. Along the way, she sacrifices herself many times for Usagi and for her friends, but one scene in particular speaks volumes. It was during the third season in the anime, when we are introduced to Hotaru's character. Saturn, the Senshi of destruction is one of the most powerful and deadly characters of the series. If you recall, when Hotaru was also being controlled and manipulated, she was used as a vessel to turn into Mistress 9. Sailor Chibi Moon was captured and used as a sacrifice to feed Hotaru's lust for power. If you recall, when Sailor Moon witnessed the supposed death of Chibi Usa, after Hotaru took her Crystal Heart, Usagi was distraught. The entire scene was emotionally charging because you pretty much saw Chibi Usa allow herself to die for the safety and survival of her dear friend.

This is also another glimpse we see of Chibi Usa's character and personality; when it comes down to it, she is willing to die for the ones she loves, just like Usagi. Of course, at the end of that season in particular, Sailor Saturn and Sailor Chibi Moon are alive and well. As the anime progresses into the fourth and fifth season, we get to see again how strong and devoted Chibi Usa is. She falls in love with Pegasus, who plays a very important role in the future with Mamoru and taking care of the earth. Several times, she risks her life for Pegasus and suffers greatly for trying to save and protect him. She even becomes very friendly with Pereru in the movie, where the two of them are destined to be together as long as they both continue to protect the dreams of children which is incredibly sweet, especially since Chibi Usa has been through so much pain. She grows to become a beautiful character, no longer the spoiled baby she once use to be. Furthermore, she and Usagi become closer than anything else, which is lovely to watch, especially when you see how truly devoted and loving they are to one another, despite their many ups and downs.

My Conclusion:
I felt that Chibi Usa was misunderstood and that's why I wrote this entire page. Bless you for reading the entire thing if you did. If you just came to see some images and save them, then in the end, I'm happy you at least got something out of it :P Just to conclude, I really believe that Chibi Usa is a beautiful character. She's loyal and devoted and has been through so much more than Usagi has ever been through, and she still hasn't even hit her teens! I also love the fact that she's got the devotion of the Sailor Soldiers of Death and Time by her side. Not to mention the powerful Amazoness Quartets, who become her loyal guardians. It is my belief that Chibi Usa will become a better and stronger queen than Usagi because she's already been through hell and back again, fighting and defending the Earth at such a young age. She will truly know how to protect Crystal Tokyo as the future queen and I firmly believe that she will reign better than Usagi.

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