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The Galactic Leyline Revealed
Big thanks to the "Galactic Leyline," (an awesome website) because that is where I got this information.

The Galactic Leyline is known throughout the galaxy as infinite knowledge and power, however it's true power goes beyond that. It is the keylines where causality can be manipulated (hense the name leyline) by manipulating the factor we call fate as if it were a physical law. The Leyline Project was founded a long time ago through the secret wisdom of Grave of the Dragon. It produced a puppet that would be the key to entering the Leyline. This puppet was to function as a highly sophisticated navigational system that would eventually open the doors of the Leyline. That puppet is none other than Melfina. Recently, it was brought up that the Galactic Leyline has no will of it's own because once the person(s) who arrive at the Galactic Leyline prove themselves worthy by presenting the maiden, they can have ultimate power, wealth, knowledge and the Galactic Leyline cannot refuse to oblige, thus making it seem as a tool simply to be controlled by others. This is actually false because the Leyline does have a will and on occassion will enforce its power and its own decision making. One example was when Gene and Hazanko killed each other but the will of the Leyline was what kept them safe and alive. The Galactic Leyline is like a Galactic Library, left by a now extinct race that possessed a highly advanced understanding of science and technology. However to humanity, we may think of it like a machine god. After you receive your wish and return to reality, the Leyline will ultimately grant your every desire. The Galactic Leyline also has a different world...more specifically a data world (cyberspace).

In this cyberspace, all your actions are identical to what is going on in the real world. It is like having two copies of the same individual, both thinking and acting in the same way the other would. And here, in cyberspace, reality can be manipulated and you can make yourself more powerful and stronger and even create things to your advantage. The Galactic Leyline is also very powerful and can be used both for good and evil. "I will answer all, I will bestow all." However getting to the Galactic Leyline isn't as easy as it seems. It is very hard to penetrate because it has several different layers surrounding it and without the Maiden to Guide you, you will be lost or even killed in it's outer levels of space and nothingness. But that is not what makes it formidable. It has a variety of various scenery that changes from place to place. The entire inner level of the Galactic Leyline is a void that works at those who dare enter the Leyline. All the paths emerge and align together, leading to the main doorway which will ultimately lead the person to the place where they can have their wishes and desires granted. In the end though, only the Maiden of the Leyline can open the door and give you anything your heart desires. It is unknown whether or not the Galactic Leyline can be destroyed. With such immense power, many have tried to gain access but failed. With all the power that can be granted, one must also consider the grave dangers as well. The Leyline can easily bring life and take life in an instant. All in all, the Galactic Leyline is a magnificent creation that is truly both the universe's greatest wonder and the greatest mystery.

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