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The Manga of Outlaw Star!

The Manga of Outlaw Star is significatly different from the anime. The age rating for the anime was PG13 however, the manga is rated for teenagers because of the bloody violence, foul language and nudity. This does not have to be a negative impression. The Publishers originally came from Ultra Jump (Young Jump Comics) but, thanks to Anime News Network.Com, they have confirmed that the Manga of Outlaw Star is being translated into English, which means, the first volume will be coming to stores soon.

  • Vol. 1: Fire & Ice - ISBN4-08-875555-3
  • Vol. 2: Grappler Ship - ISBN4-08-875644-4
  • Vol. 3: Loud Minority - ISBN4-08-875854-8

    One more thing about the manga, do not expect the story to be very similar to the anime. From what I have read and heard, the manga is much more bold and the characters are different in their personalities. For example, I read that Melfina in the manga isn't your shy and timid damsel in distress - she is witty and a blunt young woman who flirts openly with Gene in public. All I can say is, expect the unexpected :P To read the manga of Outlaw Star, instead of waiting for it to come out in stores, you can start reading it on
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