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Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip!

Briar Rose is one of the most romantic love stories with my second favorite Disney Couple, Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip - my all time favorite being Belle and Beast. To be honest, I was absolutely disappointed that there were not that many pictures or even websites dedicated to this unique couple and that's why I made this page. One webpage, known as Disney Dreams.Net actually had a section in their message board that explained how we could download a program and take screen caps of dvds. So I wanted to give thanks to this site, because they are the reason I managed to take and create all these images.

Destined to Meet (Again):
Although Phillip met Aurora when he was really young, probably around 8 or 10 years of age, he did not remember much about her except that she was a baby. When he met Aurora in the forest, he had absolutely no idea that she was the heir to the thrown and destined to be his bride. Yet, despite her appearance of being a peasant girl, he fell in love with her. Love at first sight for Phillip. Now, for sixteen years, Aurora has lived in the forest and it was impossible for anyone to find her. The fact that Phillip managed to *find* her must have been destiny, not even Maleficient could find her. Switching gears now, I think it was so adorable the way these two met! He fell head over heels for her the minute he saw her, but Aurora had to recover from her initial shock of realizing that Phillip was REAL.

Love's First Kiss:
In Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent was actually poking fun at Prince Phillip when she had him captive within her kingdom. She made fun of how Love's First Kiss/True Love conquers all...this is what I believe makes this story so beautiful. It's your typical romance love story where the prince overcomes all these elements, to rescue his princess. It's funny how through all these obstacles, Phillip is rushing and fighting through in order to save Aurora, but as soon as he sees her in the tallest tower, he ever so slowly approaches her. He even paused right before he kissed her which was really adorable. And the way he was grinning after he kissed her and she woke up was just cute. Even when these two started to walk down the grand staircase to meet with their parents and address the court, they were so perfect together. Phillip is brave and strong, yet passionate about what he believes. Aurora is very shy, but inspite of that, she grew up as a peasant girl, which means she will be a great and royal queen, taking care of her subjects, for she understands what it means to work hard for a living. They will surely surpass that of what their parents have done.

The Royal Dance:
Nothing was more romantic than the very ending of Prince Phillip and Princess Aurora's final dance. I wish they showed some dialogue between these two, but then again, it is because these two are so quiet and shy that make them so adorable. Hand gestures, eye contact, little things like that are how these two communicate most of the time. They're just so perfect together! The final dance was not only a long awaited reunion for their families, but it was also the confirmation of their marriage. I also posted the lyrics for the song that was played, while these two danced for the first time in their new kingdom.

~I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream~ ~I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam~ ~And I know it's true that visions are seldome what they seem~ ~But if I know you, I know what you'll do~ ~You'll love me at once~ ~The way you did once upon a dream~

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