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Jerzey's Finest
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Yo wats really good.

Dis yer boi footwerk and I am in dis class called _IT Web_ and its goin down all day everyday even on holidays and weekends. Right now I wanna give a shout out to my peeps Sade, Stephany and Chelsea.

O yeah, my background is Alicia keys because she bangin and dat will will be my gurlfriend real soon ! I like a lot of music. R&B, Rap, country (sometimes, just a lil bit lol) and oldies are on the top of my list. I like to play basketball and I love to run.(Not from the police) but cross-country is my thing. I'm also nasty at volleyball too. Only if this school had a football team. It would be goin down. But back to the topic. This skool is a way to get away from home and I don't regret coming here.(I used to)

Before I go I wanna holla at all my peeps reppin jerzey (201 Area) Yum-Yum, Panama KId, StevieB, D-HOOd, O-nizzle, Jam-Jam, Loan, Paige, Mario and Marcus, Founes, Sherwanda, Gina, David, Shacora, Jarius, my nigga Jose, Joyce P, Joyce S, Blanchy, Claudia, Terreca, Ta'shonia, Cassey, Naima, Mara, Black Chris, Chris Serilles,Mike Piecezonka, Shereka, Tiondra, Azzy, Dominick, Giselle, Brey, and my spanish boi Carlos (lol)

My favorite places to hang out:

FOotWerk Holla At Yer Boi Thug Bear
Thug Bear

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