盜ntro�In this terrain, the
rainfall has summoned a lupess of lunar soul.....and it is here she calls home, in this stormy
place somewhere near Terror Mountain. The cold rain drops are like needles, piercing
whatever it falls upon with icy chills. To some, this place would be a horrible place to
even visit, seeing as how the sun never shines, and it is so incredibly stormy and dark that
it is sometimes called an "eternal night." The moon is said to be bright all the time, for the
dark clouds and stormy atmosphere keep the sun out of sight. The lunar lupess that calls
this place home, seems to keep the moon here, for the sun brings nothing but light, and
destroys the privacy and shelter of it all.
So here, she lives in this rainy
atmosphere, alone, as she prefers. Her name means child of the moon, which some would
say somehow summons the moon to be visible 24 hours a day. Amaris, Lunar
盨tory�She was a lunar lupess, quite rare. Her sister,
the opposite, a solar lupess. Her pelt was marked with white and gold, and a sun imprinted
on her stomach. Her tail was tipped with sun-gold, as was her ears. Her eyes were light
amber, with a faint tint of blue. Their brother, celestial, deep blue-black pelt marked with
stars and moons. A star was imprinted over his right eye, and his eyes were brilliant
star-silver. Their parents, Mora and Taku, Mora white with large golden-tipped blue
wings. She was a bit solar, which would explain how the pup was solar. Taku was
stormy-grey, and was a little lunar, which explain the lunar and celestial pups.
was at dawn that the pups were born. The solar pup almost immediately tilted her head
heavenward to feel the warm rays of the rising sun. The lunar pup sank into the shadows,
letting out a small mimic howl. The celestial pup crawled into the soothing darkness of
the den. Mora and Taku took all of the pups into the den, though the solar pup, whom
they called Kianga, for Kianga meant sunshine, often tried to get out of the cave and into
the sunlight. The celestial pup was named Artemus, meaning of the moon. The lunar pup
was called Amaris, meaning child of the moon. She acted nothing like a pup, fore she
hardly ever played, she seemed quite serious all the time. She never tackled her brothers
or sisters in a form of play, or anything of the sort. She lay in the shadows during the day,
and ventured the forest at night once she had learned how to walk and her eyes had
opened. She had brilliant green eyes. She was black, with white on her chin, neck, chest,
stomach, ear tips, and underside of her tail. A silver crescent moon was imprinted on her
right shoulder. Blue flames crawled up her back right leg, her back left paw was tipped
with white, and part of her front left leg was white. Three diamond imprints were near her
right eye. Kianga relished the sunlight, and was always found outside as soon as the sun
came up, and inside the den as soon as the sun went down. When the moon could be
seen, and the sky was full of stars, Artemus's howl could be heard for miles. He loved the
night, like his lunar sister, and he often spent many hours of the night just watching the
night sky. Amaris did this sometimes, but most of the time she did so when she was alone.
She prefered to be alone, for some reason. She and Artemus were quite close, despite
Amaris's need to be a loner. Kianga and the other two were close as well, but definately
not as close as Artemus and Amaris. Kianga stayed near her mother at nighttime, loving
Mora's warmth, like the sun's ray's warmth. It was quite comforting to the
Taku began teaching Artemus to hunt every night at dusk. He had offered to
teach Amaris as well, but she declined the offer, explaining that she'd like to take a shot at
teaching herself how. She was a quick learner, and taught herself many things.
Sometimes Amaris questioned Taku, needing some assistance. Artemus eventually
learned how to hunt qite well, and hunted for the family many times. Amaris did teach
herself to hunt, and learned faster than her brother, too. A few minutes before the moon
disappeared and gave way to the sun, she always went to hunt, then ate in the shadows of
the den. At nightfall, she was out again, traveling through the forest, letting the darkness
fall over her and the moonlight consume her soul.
As the pups grew, lunar, solar,
and celestial lupines became even more rare to find. Dr. Death's greed forced him to
attempt to capture their family many times, though he always failed. Mora decided it was
too risky to stay there, and the family moved quite far away. They traveled to Terror
Mountain, and found a den near a forest---it had plenty of sunlight, and plenty of darkness.
It'd be alright for each of the pups. Artemus developed quite a fondness for snow, and
found his playful side. He was always frolicing in the snow, beneath the shadows of the
forest's trees. Amaris still had no playful side, and watched her brother with amusement
often. She'd roll her eyes, and pad away, lying in the shadows and awaiting nightfall. But
with nightfall came immense cold, too cold for even her pelt to shelter her from. This sent
her back to the den, where she lay with her head on her paws. Kianga sprang from the
den when the sun began to rise, and wandered through Terror Mountain. She later met a
small pack of lupes, and brought them to us. One of them, Kapu, had quite an affectionate
liking toward Amaris, while Tempest, liked Artemus quite a bit. Artemus's seriousness
began to fade a bit, and his personality grew more and more like Kianga's each day. He
still was celestial, and still loved the night, stars, and moon. He was frisky, though, like
Kianga. Kapu was always tagging along near Amaris, though more than half the time she
ignored him. Yet another, Kumoke(koo-moh-kay), enjoyed Kianga's company a lot, and
they spent every waking moment of the day together.
Artemus eventually liked
Tempest, too, and they became mates. Tempest was very kind, but Amaris missed her
brother since he didn't talk to her much anymore. Tempest too liked shadowy places, and
didn't enjoy sunlight at all. Artemus and Tempest were together all the time, and Amaris
didn't get to spend much time with him. She did enjoy being alone, but she still loved
spending time with her family. Kapu was like her shadow, talking constantly, and trying
to get her to like him. Amaris no longer could be alone, because at night, the minute she
set foot out of the den, he was there. He padded alongside her everywhere she went. She
was fed up with it, but being as quite as she was, she didn't say anything about
Kapu talked and talked and talked for what seemed like forever. Amaris
sometimes hid from him in an attempt to be alone, but he always found her. Finally, she'd
had enough. She snarled as soon as he came near her, and wouldn't allow him to come
any closer. He didn't quite understand, and Amaris had to have her father explain it to
him. To Amaris, Kapu was more dense than anyone else she'd ever met. When Taku told
Kapu that Amaris liked being by herself, Kapu wouldn't take a hint, and went after her.
Amaris had given up. She allowed him to follow her, and was quite miserable. She didn't
have her brother anymore, and her sister and her weren't that close. Amaris tried spending
time with Artemus, but Tempest would always come the minute Amaris arrived. Tempest
was very kind to their family, but Amaris couldn't help being angered that she no longer
had her brother to confide in.
Amaris couldn't live here anymore. The night got
too cold, and she couldn't go out because the temperatures were unbareable. Kapu was
driving her insane. He was sweet, but he was around too much. Artemus hardly talked to
her anymore, and Kianga and her just didn't have anything in common and would have
nothing to talk about if they spent more time together. Mora and Taku were growing old,
and Dr. Death had found them yet again. Kapu was always saying that if Amaris wanted
any protection from Dr. Death, he'd be there. Sweet, but Amaris could take care of
herself. She didn't need some lovestruck tag-a-long to protect her.
explained to her family that she needed to get away from this place. She was leaving. She
had to. She told Mora, Taku, Kianga, and Artemus that she had discovered a place
somewhere not too far away, and that they could visit anytime. Mora and Taku were
upset, but they understood. Her brother and sister said they'd miss her, and said they'd tell
Kapu for her if she wanted them to. At this, she immediately said not to tell him where,
'cause she didn't want him following her again. Artemus grinned, fore he had only been
joking. They would miss her quite a bit, but at least she'd be nearby.
She bid them
farewell; they wished her a nice trip, and she padded outside. She glanced around,
thinking about how she'd miss them. She difinately wouldn't miss this place, but she'd miss
her family. She padded to forest on the opposite side of the one she usually went to, and
Night fell, darkening the path ahead. It was much darker than the other
places she'd lived, and the trees hid the moonlight. A rustle of leaves made her stop
abruptly. Her pinna flicked. She needed to get to more light. If something attacked her,
she wouldn't be able to see where they were, and she'd be killed. If they were following
her, then she needed to get out of the forest, so that she could see better. She glanced
around uneasily, then took off.
Amaris knew they were still there. She was almost
out. Just a little more..... Something tackled her from behind. A sharp pain shot through
her muzzle, cheek, and front left shoulder. Her attacker snarled, claws digging into her
shoulder, fangs scraping into her face. She tried desperately to throw them off, but
whatever it was was too big. With all of her strength, Amaris sprang forward. Something
crashed down onto her head, and she collapsed,
北北Cold water on her face made her eyes flicker
open slowly. The sun's rays made her close them quickly with a groan. An immense need
to have the moon there made her shake violently. She winced and her stomach churned.
Then it was over. "You okay?" A worried voice asked suddenly. Her eyes opened and
she sprang up, only to fall down again. "Watch it, you're in pretty bad shape. I'd just lay
there if I were you." She realized that it was dark all of a sudden. Moonlight streamed
down on the face of a blue-flamed fire lupe. His muzzle was white, as was a small spot on
his chest. Concern flickered behind his blue-green eyes.
Amaris was silent for a
while, then asked, "Who are you?" He reclined, tail flicking slowly. "Okoth.
What happened to you?" (oh-kawth) Amaris winced as pain shot through her shoulder.
"I don't know, it was too dark to see...." Okoth watched her silently. "Well, whoever it
was tore you apart."
"Oh, you noticed," Amaris replied sarcastically. She tried to
sit up, but her her whole leg hurt every time she put weight on it. She glanced at her
shoulder and sighed. It'd been wrapped with a white bandage. A scar crossed her muzzle.
"What were you doing in that forest? Everyone knows not to go there alone----especially
so late at night," Okoth inquired.
Amaris rolled her eyes. "Wish somebody had
told me that before I got the tar kicked out of me. I'm not from here...just moving. I'm
Amaris." She replied. "Where'd you move from?" He looked pretty interested, though
she wasn't exactly sure why moving was so interesting. "Terror Mountain." She glanced
at the sky-filled stars and a confused look crossed her face. "Why are you not surprised at
how the sky changed dramatically in so little time?" Okoth raised an eyebrow and
chuckled lightly. "Obviously you don't know what lunar lupines are capable of...." This
confused Amaris even more, and she snapped, "What the heck does that mean??" Okoth
laughed. He shook his head slowly. "You're a lunar lupess, are you not?" She paused,
then nodded. "Alright. Put two and two together." Amaris growled. "Tell me what's
going on!" He stared at her. "You honestly don't know?" Now he looked confused. "If
a lunar lupe allows the moon to completely take over their soul, then they gain the ability
to make it nightime anywhere they want." Okoth replied. "I can't believe you didn't
know..." Amaris stared at the sky for a moment, then shifted her gaze to the lupe.
"You're kidding, right?" He shook his head. "Not at all."
"So I can make it
nighttime anywhere at all, and whenever I want?" He nodded. Amaris chuckled.
"Neat....." Okoth shrugged, then glanced at her shoulder. "Your shoulder should be
alright in a day or so...but lunar lupes heal faster. It'll be okay by nightfall---real
nightfall, that is." He smiled warmly.
北北During the night, she must of let go of the moon, for beams of sunlight danced upon the ground. Okoth had pushed her under the trees to sheild her from the morning sun. Her ears perked and she stood. Her shoulder didn't hurt, and she yanked the bandage off with her jaws. She padded slowly forward, then glanced up at the sky, wanting darkness again. Slowly the sun fell, and the moon rose.
She smiled, satisfied. Amaris tilted her head skyward. A low howl crawled through her throat and emitted, growing higher-pitched, then ending. Thunder boomed, and she perked her ears as a raindrop fell on her muzzle. Soon more followed, splattering on the ground and soaking her pelt. "Is your shoulder better?" Okoth's voice was cheery, and his tail swished back and forth slowly as he padded toward her. Amaris nodded. "Mmm-hmm."
(Almost done!)