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You are Kinomoto Sakura
You are kind and generous, often underestimating your own abilities. Though you may not often know it, you have a lot of talent. Relying on your friends is both your strong point and your weakness.
Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz


Goddess of the Sun and there's no doubt that you have a bright and cheery exterior!
What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
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You're A Bishoujo (Attractive Young Woman)! You are loved by all, and you know it. You love the attention you get, because or your sense of
style, and perfect face. Congrats.
What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
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Sugar are sunshine aren't you? The kind of person people turn to for help.... just make sure your good nature doesn't get you trampled on.
How do people see you?
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Wee! I took the Shounen or Shoujo test, created by peacefulchaos


You are a Cat Demon. You prefer warm, dry area's. You are highly intelligent, and think of yourself as better than the other classes. You think before you act (Mostly). Heeeeeeeeere kitty kitty kitty...
Which Demon Are YOU!?
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What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at by Rin.


You're Free Spirited! You have a way with people. People are always looking up to you. You're attitude is always high in the sky. You love life.
What Kind Of Soul Do You Have?
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Kougaiji is your ideal match!!
Which is your ideal Saiyuki-boy?
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Which Saiyuki traveler are you?


Alicia Silverstone
Which Celeb Without Makeup are you? - Girls (INCLUDES GREAT FUNNY PICTURES!)
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Matching Panties, you like everything to match and be perfect...
What kind of panties do you have? (with pictures ^.^)
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