Why is this place taking up valuable web space, you ask? Well, I originally started this site as a place to put my literary work. I used to love writing stories as a kid, mainly horror, sci-fi and comedy stuff. Once I left school, college and other stuff put a stop to that. In 1999 I discovered
Battletech and was so impressed with the fan-fiction on some of the forums, I was inspired to start writing again. So far, I've mostly been working on Battletech-based stuff, but I've started on a couple of other pieces, which I hope to upload at some point in the future.
I also receive loads of bizarre, humorous and sometimes downright disturbing emails. Since they're often in picture form, I thought I'd start a gallery and share the weirdness! I'm planning to add the video clips to my
Photobucket account and put links to them in
Section 13 - along with the jokes.
Links page was something of an afterthought. While wondering what else to add, it occurred to me that it might be helpful to publish a list of sites that I've found to be useful over the years. Eventually, I hope to end up with something like a Google search page with all the useless stuff filtered out.
Since no website is complete without a short piece about the author, I've included some personal details in the
Codex section...just on the off-chance that someone actually cares. Section 13 is currently a jumble of links to games and quizzes and is still in the early stages of development. As mentioned earlier, this will likely become a repository for all the amusing jokes and videos I get via e-mail.
Since the occasions when my bursts of creativity coincide with my free time are like lunar eclipses...infrequent, development of this site is likely to be sporadic. If you see stuff thats half-finished or just looks plain wrong, please bear with me. I will get round to fixing it...eventually. When is it likely to be finished? Your guess is as good as mine...